Page 8 - Letter to NAR LT
P. 8

Comments made to LegReg Committee members before meeting
o You will hear objections from Past Presidents, many of whom aren’t really practicing, and don’t travel the state to hear the complaints we hear.
o We have lived in fear of the real estate commission
o They Have the power to suspend your license
o Would like an impartial person ( indicating the commissioner are not
o There is an attorney for MREC who is a bulldog and threatens members to
sign agreed orders.
§ We have had nothing in our power to help our members (how about
a meeting with commissioners? It was their duty to report,
particularly if there was a complaint about an employee.
o We are fearful of Robert Praytor (if you are fearful of Robert Praytor, you
are fearful of license law.)
o The commissioners (like Pam Powers) are the ones up in arms, because
they see this as taking away their power, see it as a slap in the face.
o They mentioned names of Leg Reg members who voiced concerns and
questions with reasons they should be discredited.
1. The Legislative updates include this language
This bill SB 2624 seeks to address due process concerns that have been repeatedly expressed by our members through surveys, meetings and conversations over several years. Specifically, it creates a three-year pilot program that allows licensees to request a hearing from an impartial third-party administrative hearing officer (licensed attorney) rather than a hearing where the presiding officers are active licensees.
And that speaks to the very relationship between MREC and MAR that leaders before us and since have worked so hard to create, the very one that has practitioners and Realtors recommended by the BOD at the table because we are in your shoes and are extremely qualified to hold fair hearings and insure due process. To suggest otherwise IS a lap in the face.
Pam Powers, ABR, CRS, GRI, ePro Broker-Owner, Powers Properties Licensed in Mississippi and Louisiana 601-831-4505 (c)
662-374-4428 (o)
Fax 775-383-0839
NAR Region 5 RVP
MS Real Estate Commissioner
Mississippi Commercial Association of Realtors North Central MS MLS, Central MS MLS Greenwood MS Board of Realtors

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