Page 2 - February 2021 SARIZONA
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He also discussed that there is an effort to establish a grave marker for Charles D. Poston in Florence, Arizona. Poston, considered the ”Father of the Arizona “ is the grandson of a Revolutionary Patriot and was instrumental in the formation of the Arizona Society.
Arizona SAR Registrar Dennis DeAtley reported on 198 applications processed in 2020, 108 new members with the Phoenix and Tucson chapters each gaining more than 30 new members and 66 supplementals processed.
Action was taken on an amendment to the Arizona Bylaws Article 1, Section 5 relating to the State Registrar which was proposed by Compatriot George Stickney and recommended for approval by the Board of Managers at their November 21, 2020 meeting. The proposed amendment was approved by the voting representatives in attendance.
The meeting then moved on to special recognitions and presentations of awards. Arizona SAr VP Bill Baran presented the awards as Chairman of the Medals Committee.
Silver C.A.R. Medals of Appreciation were awarded to Norma Griffin for her leadership of C.A.R. on a local and national basis and also to Evan Kobley, current President of the Arizona C.A.R. for his leadership.
Compatriot Ed Koeneman, Eagle Scout Chairman presented the Arizona SAR Eagle Scout Essay Contest Winner to Phoenix resident Kendrick Jones who read his essay. His essay will be entered into the National SAR Eagle Scout Essay contest. (See photo next column)
Arizona SAR Secretary Rob Berryman presented a special award to Saguaro SAR Compatriot Dr. Richard Elliott for his 50 years of membership in the SAR. Compatriot Elliott spoke of his father’s leadership in the Nebraska Society. Dr. Elliott is the only 50 year member in the Arizona Society and will no longer have to pay dues.
Vice President Baran then presented a series of special awards to members of the Arizona Patriot Research System task force who collectively worked to upload all Arizona past
This year's Arizona Eagle Scout Scholarship Essay Contest winner is Kendrick Jones from Phoenix, AZ. He is also the Palo Verde Chapter winner. Kendrick earned the rank of Eagle in Troop 41 in Phoenix and plans to go to art school after graduating high school. The topic of his essay was The Saratoga Campaign. His entry has been forwarded to the National SAR contest where the top prize is $10,000. Arizona SAR Eagle Scout Chairman Ed Koeneman introduced Kendrick and his family during the Society’s Annual Meeting.
and present application details to the national PRS database. Under the leadership of Compatriot David Wright, Phoenix the members given recognition for their work were Andrew Simmons, BMG; Mark Davis, Saguaro; Kevin Wick, Tucson and Ms. Kim Wick (Tucson DAR); Lou Miner, Tucson; Mike and Lisa Sacco, Tucson; Robert Hoover, Tucson. Compatriot David Wright was presented the State Meritorious Service Medal for his leadership of the PRS.
Prescott Compatriot Tim Prater was
presented the Patriot Medal for his long time
service and work with Veterans in the Prescott
region. Compatriot Walter Seaton was also
presented the Patriot Medal for his leadership of
the Arizona C.A.R.