Page 1 - February 2021 SARIZONA
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Arizona Society SAR Annual Meeting held by Zoom
The 2021 Annual meeting of the Arizona
Society SAR, with Arizona SAR President Dennis Kavanaugh presiding attracted 40 plus members and guests. Arizona SAR Chaplain Jerry Davis provided the invocation and Past Arizona Society President George Stickney lead the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. Arizona SAR VP Bill Baran led us in the SAR Pledge and Arizona SAR Secretary Rob Berryman the American’s Creed.
After confirming a quorum special greetings were offered by NSSAR President General Jack Manning who joined us from his home in Massachusetts. We also had special greetings from Warren Alter, PG NSSAR 2018-2019; Stephen Miller, VPG Rocky Mountain District; Kevin Carr, NM SAR President; Morgan Elliott, Arizona DAR Regent; and Evan Kobley, Arizona State President C.A.R..Other honored guests were Dr. Rudy Byrd, Arizona SAR National Alternative Trustee; Walt Seaton, past VPG Rocky Mountain; and Sherry Garcia, Arizona Senior State President C.A.R..
Arizona Society SAR President Dennis Kavanaugh opened the annual Society meeting welcoming special guests and Compatriots.
The business meeting opened with Arizona SAR Secretary Rob Berryman presenting the minutes from the prior meeting and Arizona SAR Treasurer Brent Miller reviewing the financial condition of the Arizona Society. He also reminded all Chapters to file their IRS 990N filing to retain their 501 C 3 status. The Society is looking for several Arizona compatriots to audit the 2020 financials. If interested contact Treasurer Miller.
After the treasurers report Secretary Berryman opened the floor for officer reports. Secretary Berryman reported that the 2021 membership reconciliation was complete with 523 members as of January 1st.
The new SARIZONA logo above was designed to incorporate the new SAR logo for brand recognition.