Page 8 - February 2021 SARIZONA
P. 8

 Arizona SAR Secretary
Annual Report
Arizona SAR State Secretary
Rob Berryman
Welcome to a new year and a new beginning. The Arizona Society Sons of the American Revolution is stronger and larger than ever.The year 2020 is one that most of us would like to forget, but it did have some positives.We ended the year 608members(8 of which are primary to other state societies).
Year in Review 2020
Sadly, we have had to bid farewell to eleven of our Compatriots who passed away in 2020. They include:
Here is a summary of the chapter membership numbers as of January 31,2021.
  Board of Managers (BOM) Representatives:
Based on the number of members by chapter, here are the number of Board of Managers (BOM) representatives each chapter gets for 2021.
Reconciliation was completed and sent to NSSAR on January 24, 2021. Thank you to all of the chapter secretaries and treasurers who did the hard work to renew our members.Based on the reconciliation report, we begin 2021 with 529members (including 6 out of state primary members). As of January 31, 2021, we have added six new members in 2021 and had one member pass away (Jack LeRoy Clark, Tucson Chapter)for a total membership of 534.
State Documents Storage:
I am pleased to report that all of the files managed by the state secretary have now been migrated to Google Drive cloud service. This was facilitated by the Palo Verde Secretary Jim Hinsey. Special “thank you’s”to Jim. Our ultimate goal in 2021 is to create a system where all chapters can house their files in this location and chapter/society officers can have access to their specific information as necessary. This provides security for those documents like past rosters, record copies, finances, etc. and will ultimately allow us to become more efficient in how we manage our data and share information
Respectfully submitted,
Rob Berryman, State Secretary

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