Page 7 - February 2021 SARIZONA
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inducted a new member, all by Zoom. I also attended an AZSSAR officer meeting.
There will be the SAR Spring Leadership meeting on 6 March by Zoom. Anyone can attend. Let me or a state officer know, and we can forward the Zoom information to you. A NSSAR Special Congress will be held on 13 March in the Washington DC area. There will only be a limit on the number of delegates from states. The meeting place will be announced by 13 Feb. The meeting will last less than two hours and only cover By-Laws changes.
Finally, I ask that all members continue to support SAR and C.A.R programs.
Stephen J. Miller
VPG Rocky Mountain District
NSSAR President General Jack Manning joined in on the Zoom meeting for the Arizona Society Annual Meeting. He brought his greetings from Compatriots from across the Country.
The Annual Meeting for the Arizona Society was held by Zoom on Saturday, February 13th. Over 40 individuals participated in the meeting. This image is just one screen shot of some of the attendees.