Page 18 - February 2021 SARIZONA
P. 18
Prescott SAR Chapter continues
to meet in person
The Prescott Chapter is meeting in person and has a robust schedule of speakers scheduled for the balance of this year. You can follow their speaker schedule on their web site which can be found on the Arizona SAR website.
Their March 13th meeting will include a presentation from D. J. Fong, Radio personality on “The Faces of Prescott & Beyond”. Their April 10th meeting will host speaker Bob Anderson, Re- Enactor, Western History “Arizona Territory History”.
Prescott holds their meetings in the Arizona Room at the Hassayampa Hotel in Prescott at noon on the second Saturday of each month.
During the past year they have awarded 15 Flag Certificates; 7 Certificates of Appreciation; 6 Heroism/Public Service medals; 7 medals and certificates for Distinguished Service, Military,, Good Citizenship and Veteran Serving Veterans; 6 10 year anniversary pins and certificates; attended a Veteran Advocate Committee meeting and was on an hour long AM radio show.
Jack Berry was installed as their the president in January.
Barry M Goldwater Chapter
continues their active Zoom
meeting schedule.
The BMG SAR Chapter continues their robust Zoom meetings and record their meetings so members can watch the presentations on their Chapter web page on the Arizona SAR website.
In February they have sent their members a survey to better understand how to engage their members going forward. President Rick Spargo has invited other Compatriots to join in on their monthly Chapter meetings.
During their February Chapter meeting Compatriot Dr. Jim Cates presented a wonderful history of the US Flag. This presentation is a great opportunity for other chapters to share the history of the US Flag.
The Chapter is exploring Veterans support
through the Mana House in Phoenix, a facility serving homeless Veterans.
The Chapter meetings are held online the second Saturday of the month at 9 a.m.
Saguaro Chapter Continues
educational focus during Covid.
The current pandemic has not stopped the educational outreach of the Saguaro SAR Chapter. Chapter President Mike Fisch has continued to work with Canyon Ridge School and teacher Christopher Raso to advance the brochure and poster contest entries for 2021.
To date we have 125 brochures and 50 posters submitted for judging for this years SAR contests. Judging is underway with Saguaro brochure and poster chairman Ray Barkhaus and his team of judges.
The Chapter has not met during the pandemic but work continues on a number of fronts. In recent weeks new assignments have been completed and Compatriot Bill Harris will take on the responsibilities of the Secretary and Treasurer and Compatriot Mark Davis will take the responsibility of Registrar as Jan Huber transitions out of these busy activities. The Chapter has expressed its gratitude to Compatriot Huber for his years of service to the Chapter in these roles. He will continue to assist Compatriot Davis with Registrar activities.
During the Annual meeting of the Arizona Society the Saguaro SAR Chapter was honored to have its member Dr. Richard Elliott honored for his 50 years of membership in SAR. He was presented a 50 years of membership certificate and will no longer have to pay dues to SAR, the state or chapter.
Remember that each Chapter must file an IRS form 990-N by May 15th, 2021.
If you have questions about this please contact State Treasurer Brent Miller