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Product Finishes
Special poly-tipped stone grinding machines are used to The product is put in a splitting machine which splits the
grind and brush the surface in an undulating manner with product in to two or more separate products and this
the purpose of exposing the natural brightness and shapes splitting process leaves a natural uneven surface that
of the colored aggregates and marble chips in a gently mimics raw cut stone and is extremely popular for both
Honed uneven surface texture that feels similar to that of an Split exterior and interior cladding purposes. Magnacrete
orange peel. offers multicolored split products that are visual
masterpieces unseen before.
Similar to our honing process but with different machine Also known as detectable warning surfaces, tactile
settings used, our special poly-tipped stone grinding finishes are commonly used on footpaths, train station
machines are used to grind and brush the surface in an platforms and other hazardous walkways and crossings
undulating manner with the purpose of exposing the so as to warn pedestrians (especially the visually
Brushed natural brightness and shapes of the colored aggregates Tactile impaired) of a nearby hazard. They can also be used
and marble chips in a uneven yet silken surface texture to prevent both pedestrian and vehicular traffic from
that feels similar to that of an snake skin. crossing a particular area.
A specialized machine cuts the top surface of the As the name suggests, this finish has thousands of small
product with diamond tipped blades to reveal the natural pimple-like elevations on the surface resulting in a
stone aggregates from within the concrete. The resulting consistent dotted surface pattern that is smooth to walk
treatment process leaves a uniform, slip resistant yet on but provides both pedestrians and vehicles a very
Diamond smooth surface that feel likes a bit like cardboard. Pimple high traction surface to use.
The polished finish is achieved using a similar production A special embossed stone like effect with an undulating
process as found in the natural marble and granite tile surface pattern that looks just like natural slate.
industry. This finish feels just like polished marble and is
especially suitable for indoor use like inside large offices,
Polish airports apartments etc. where one needs a smooth glass Riven
like surface that is to clean and maintain.
In this finish, the top surface is pelleted with thousands of This finish adds a multidimensional surface pattern to our
miniature steel balls at high velocity to remove a fine layer concrete tiles with hundreds of different patterns and
of mortar from the surface and reveal the natural stone designs to choose from including custom made patterns
chips and aggregates from within the concrete. The and designs such as company logos, names or wordings.
Shotblast intensity and duration of this treatment is flexible Embossed When combined with polishing the raised surfaces of the
depending on the look and feel that is sought by the client. tiles adds yet another layer of beauty and sophistication
to the product.
This is a combination of two separate surface treatments. This is a cost effective and easy way to either create a
First the product is shotblasted and then curled to soften customized pattern on our many concrete tiles, slabs
the sharp surface edges of the product. and pavers or you can also choose from dozens of
existing patterns available. One portion of the tile
Shotblast+ Stencil surface is usually given with a polished surface while the
Curling remaining portion of the surface has a lightly shotblasted
surface texture.
Using our fully automated Italian curling plant, the surface Using our state of the art Italian plant we have the
of our fully cured products are gently brushed with finely ability to round the edges of a great many of our
abrasive bristles that are able to create a smooth silken products to create the perfect concrete step, coping,
finish on uneven concrete surfaces. caps, edging, skirtings etc.
Curling Bullnose
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