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Product Suitability

                                                           Other than pimple finish this is the other standard finish that
                                                           is available on our standard Flagstone Paving.
                                                           It has more or less the same high traction properties              Trolley Friendly                                     Heavy Vehicle
                                                           available with a fine cloth imprineted surface pattern
         Cloth                                             and without the pimple like surface.

                                                                                                                              Products that are trolley friendly becuase either have  Product is suitable for any normal wheeled heavy
                                                                                                                              no chamfer along the surface edges or have           vehicle,automobile which has a gross allowable weight
                                                                                                                              a micro-chamfer, It is much easier and smoother to   limit of over 5 tons
                                                           Face-mix technology adds concentrated color and fine               move anything with small diameter wheels over the
                                                           wear-resistant aggregates on the top of the paver, in              surface of the product, compared to a product that   Light Vehicle
                                                           addition to the coarse aggregates at the base of the               has an old fashioned traditional chamfer.
                                                           paver.  So not only is the paver structurally strong, but the                                                           Product is suitable for any standard passenger wheeled
       Face Mix                                            color and finish of the paver lasts for generations.                                                                    automobile including two and three wheelers that have
                                                           The Face-mix process eliminates the risk of the coarse             Pedestrian                                           a maximum gross vehicle weight limit of 5 tons or less.
                                                           (and ugly) aggregate from appearing through the top of
                                                           the paver.
                                                           Standard concrete products are made out of a single                                                                      Cycling
                                                           colored concrete mix design while multicolor products can          Product is suitable for a walkway area meant
                                                           be made with two or more different blends of concrete              for people to travel on by foot.                     Product is suitable for use as an area where
                                                           giving a much more natural and exciting wow factor to                                                                   non-powered bicycles can be used.
      Multi Color                                          the look of the product.                                           Chamfer Detail

                                                           This is the most common finish available where the
                                                           concrete surface has a smooth closed surface finish.

       Smooth                                                                                                                        Standard Chamfer                      Micro Chamfer                              90°Edge

     Advantages of Concrete Pavers

     Versus Existing Alternative

                                                                                                                              The Standard Chamfer was the          The Micro Chamfer was developed        This non-chamfered design
                                                                                                                              original chamfer first developed      to incorporate the advantages of       provides the cleanest look but is
                                                                                                                              in 1947 and has been up until now     having a chamfer, such as giving       only recommended for use in
                                                                                                                              the most commonly used chamfer        protection from chipping along the     very specialized roles and uses
                                                                                                                              in most concrete pavers. It is specified  sharp and brittle edges of concrete.   due to its vulnerability to
                                                                                                                              in many official standards followed   It improves upon the previous design   chipping and difficulty in proper
     Concrete Floor                              Asphalt                          Concrete Pavers                             worldwide such as BS 6717, but this   by giving the product just enough of   laying.
                                                                                                                              style of chamfer is quickly becoming   a chamfered edge to give it protection
                                                                                                                              obsolete and is being replaced by the  without enough space for sand, dirt
   Strength:                               Strength:                             Strength:                                    new Micro Chamfer design.             and debris to accumulate along the
          • Moderate                               • Moderate                           • High Strength                                                             channels created by the chamfered
          • Will Crack                             • Break down with traffic            • 4x Stronger then Concrete                                                 edges. This also has the added
   Flexibility:                            Flexibility:                          Flexibility:                                                                       benefit of being much less difficult
          • Not Flexible                           • Flexible                           • Flexible                                                                  and noisy to traverse with a trolley or
          • Will Crack                             • Will Crack                         • Will Not Crack                                                            luggage that uses small wheels.
   Maintenance:                            Maintenance:                          Maintenance:                                                                       More and more countries and
          • Moderate                               • Moderate                           • Low                                                                       companies are adopting the micro
          • Crack Repairs                          • Resealing every 4-5 years          • Easy Replacement if                                                       chamfer as their new standard chamfer
                                                                                           needed                                                                   design.

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