Page 30 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 30

                                                       All of the information
                                                       pertaining to the human body
                                                       is encoded here, in this
                                                       DNA molecule.

                                                                 It isolates and trans-
                                                                 ports proteins and
                                                                 other molecules.

                                                                 The cell's primary
                                                                 source of energy.
              CELL MEMBRANE                                      The molecule ATP,
              Semi-permeable, it                                 vital for all body
              controls the entry                                 functions, is syn-
              and exit of mole-                                  thesized here.

                              CELL MEMBRANE
                              They allow glucose
                              and oxygen in, and
                              transport synthesized
                              protein and enzymes
                              outside the cell.

                Figure 1.2 Protein-producing ribosomes; energy-producing mitochondria; DNA,
                the central information bank; the endoplasmic reticulum that facilitates trans-
                port, the Golgi body that acts as a depot, the membrane which controls entry
                into and exit from the cell; all of the enzymes that have a duty in all reactions
                in the cell-with all of this planned, endless activity the cell operates like a per-
                fectly run factory. Remember that the cell, harboring all of these processes, is a
                trillion times smaller than any factory.

                circumstances can this claim ever conform to scientific fact. Even the
                most basic calculations have proven mathematically that, not only the
                cell, but even just one of the millions of proteins that compose it, can-
                not have come into existence as a result of coincidence. This shows
                that evolutionary theory is based not on intelligent logic, but rather on
                a collection of imaginary and fantastic scenarios.
                    Equally amazing as the formation of a single cell is the perfect

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