Page 70 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 70


                                                        Figure 3.4
                                                        DNA shows mRNA the
                                                        way by presenting it with
                                                        only the relevant informa-
                                                        tion. The regions depicted
                                                        by the numbers I, II, III, IV,
                                                        V, VI and VII contain irrel-
                                                        evant information. That is
                                                        why they coil out in loops
                                                        and are prevented from
                                                        being copied. Regions rep-
                                                        resented by the numbers 1,
                                                        2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are rele-
                                                        vant information presented
                                                        to the mRNA. Unconscious
                                                        atoms like carbon, hydro-
                 Command to                             gen, and phosphate cannot
                                                        possess intelligence. This
                                                        intelligence belongs to
                                                 Command  God, Who wrote that genet-
                                                   to stop  ic information there, Who
                                                        allows it to be read and
                                                        brings it to life.
                              Break point
                                                              Break point
                              Exon                               Exon

                                            Unwanted codons
                                            (introns) are coiled

                 Figure 3.5                                 mRNA breaks off at one
                 Enzymes copy certain                       end and attaches at certain
                 instructions relevant to the pro-          points to continue the reac-
                 tein they are to make, but some            tion.
                 irrelevant information gets
                 transferred to the mRNA.
                 Once the RNA has been made,
                 these instructions are removed           The removed portion of
                 from it and discarded, leaving           RNA is later broken apart,
                 only the relevant base pairs.            and the resulting
                                                          nucleotides are used in
                                                          new syntheses.
                                                          DNA ready for protein
                                                          synthesis (introns have
                                                          been removed).

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