Page 67 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 67

               mony is the Creator of all living things, God, the Possessor of infinite

                    All Manner of Precautions
                    Enzymes do not stop once they've found the relevant informa-
               tion. They facilitate its being copied at great speed, but some enzymes
               keep any problems from arising during the replication of DNA's high-
               ly complex structure. You'll recall that the DNA molecule is coiled, and
               shaped like a spiral ladder. During the replication stage, the rungs of
               the ladder need to open up so that their information can be read, and
               this is done by an enzyme. This unwinding process is so fast that fric-
               tion might cause the DNA molecule to heat up and disintegrate. But
               this danger is overcome by precautions that have been taken before-
               hand. A special enzyme holds both sides of the helix apart, preventing
               any friction. Again with the help of special enzymes, the DNA mole-
               cule is prevented from getting tangled and messed up while being
               unwound during replication.
                    Remember, the enzymes that carry out such complicated and dif-
               ficult tasks are just proteins themselves, also produced by the same
               method: protein synthesis inside the cell. In order for this production
               to be carried out, all of the required enzymes, the vitamins that help
               the enzymes, helper proteins and energy sources, the required genetic
               instructions and production organelles-are all needed at once, and in
               the same place. The lack of just one of these components will render
               the whole mechanism ineffective.
                    Consequently, the first cell that ever appeared on Earth had to
               have formed in its entirety, all at once. Undoubtedly, this means that
               the cell was created-a situation that evolutionists can never explain,
               proposing that living things formed step by step as a result of coinci-
               dences. Two evolutionary scientists Fred Hoyle and Chandra
               Wickramansinghe express the quagmire within which evolutionists
               have fallen:

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