Page 73 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 73
sible for the suffering and
conflict taking place. Indeed,
devout Jews who believe in SYRIA
the Oneness of Allah also
criticize the policy of vio-
lence followed by certain cir-
cles within the Israeli West Bank
administration, and are often Gaza Jerusalem
in fact they become the main PALESTINE
target of this oppression.
To summarize, the ob-
ject of criticism is supersti-
tious traditions that seek to
supposedly legitimize vio- EGYPT
lence and ruthlessness by
misinterpreting the Bible and
a radical world view that re-
gards other people as second
class and considers it per-
fectly normal to inflict op-
pression and injustice on
them on the basis of those
traditions. In other words, it
is radical, atheist Zionism, a social Darwinist and occupying ideology.
Zionism emerged in the 19th century as an ideology that espoused a
homeland for the Jews who were then without one. As time passed,
however, Zionism underwent a process of degeneration, as happens
with many ideologies, and that legitimate demand turned into a radical
and irreligious conception that resorted to violence and terror in prac-
tice and formed alliances with extremist forces.
There are two varieties of Zionism today. The first of these is the
Zionist conception of devout Jewish people, who wish to live in peace
and security in Israel alongside Muslims, seeking peace and wishing to
worship in the lands of their forefathers and engage in business.