Page 77 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 77
Refugee Destinations
JORDAN 238.188 1.050.009 1.288.197
WEST BANK 131.705 385.707 517.412
GAZA STRIP 362.626 320.934 683.560
LEBANON 175.747 170.417 346.164
SYRIA 83.311 253.997 337.308
TOTAL 991.577 2.181.064 3.172.641
the founding of the state of Israel on May 15, 1948, the Israelis acquired
a substantial part of Palestinian lands. At this point, it needs to be stated
that Jews have a perfect right to want a homeland belonging to them-
selves. And there is nothing wrong in that homeland being in Palestine,
the historic home of the Jews. However, it is most unjust and cruel for
atheist Zionists to believe in and implement a plan intended to exile the
Muslim Arabs living in the country or otherwise annihilate them. These
lands are wide enough for Arabs and Jews to live together in peace. The
existence of one does not depend on the annihilation of the other. There
is no reason why these two people, one descended from Hazrat Jacob
(as) and the other from Hazrat Ishmael (as), should not live together as
Yet during the foundation of Israel, atheist Zionists followed a
ruthless policy aimed at the elimination of Muslim Arabs, and as a re-
sult of pressure and killing in Palestinian villages, the number of
Palestinians living in some 500 cities, towns and villages fell from
950,000 to 138,000. A great number of these people had been killed, and
others were exiled. The atheist Zionistterror groups attacked Muslim
villages at night. Muslims were shot, and everywhere these groups