Page 39 - Zeal and Enthusiasm in the Qur'an
P. 39

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

              Another reason believers race to do good is that they are aware
           that the life of this world is very short and that death is near. They
           know death can come upon them at any moment and that then

           they will feel great regret for not having made adequate efforts to-
           ward the good pleasure of Allah. For once a person enters the here-
           after, it is no longer possible to return to the previous world and
           compete in doing good deeds. Thus, believers race against time to
           do more and more during the term granted to them in this world.
           They enthusiastically seize every opportunity to perform a good
           deed. A prayer of sincere believers is cited in the Qur’an as follows:

              "[They are] those who say, ‘Our Lord, grant us from among
              our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us
              for the righteous an example.’" 41
              With such zeal and determination believers fulfill the command
           of Allah:
              "So when you have finished [your duties], then stand up [for
              more]. And to your Lord direct [your] longing." 42
              They waste not a moment and hasten to do well with great

           ardor, knowing that man can never consider his efforts sufficient.
           They never forget that they will have to give an account of every
           second lived in this world and that they will be held responsible for
           every second during which they failed to exercise conscience or in-
           dulged in trivial activities when they could have done better things.
           Beyond the time required for basic personal needs, they engage in
           a constant search for better things to accomplish.

              Aware that physical and mental exertion for the cause of Allah
           brings great reward, they greet exhaustion happily and with joy.
           They see this as an important opportunity for their benefit in the
           hereafter, and as soon as their work is completed, they eagerly pro-

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