Page 44 - Zeal and Enthusiasm in the Qur'an
P. 44
Zeal and Enthusiasm Described in the Qur’an
Surely, they do not seek out difficulties, but a hardship they en-
counter will add to their zeal and strength. They hope, additionally,
to gain better rewards in return for hardships because they will be
of those who remain loyal to Allah without falling weak-hearted
and will say:
"This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us,
and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth." 54
Seeking Allah’s approval with great joy
Another attribute of believers is the joy and happiness they feel
while engaging in a deed they expect to earn them the pleasure of
Allah. This is "the joy of faith." The joy of faith is a sincere, inner joy
that cannot be felt by those who do not live the true religion, for it
is a faith-related joy, looking forward to the pleasure of Allah, His
mercy and paradise.
Hardly ever do those whose faith in Allah and the hereafter is
dubious experience such joy. Similar to "ignorant" people they
only find joy in what is related to immediate personal interest when
they sense something "profitable." However, this is but a tempo-
rary joy. Once the worldly benefit is lost, joy also disappears.
Those who lack true faith in their hearts will feel frustrated if
earning the pleasure of Allah calls for a task they find hard to per-
form. They express their reluctance and indifference by carrying
out the task discontentedly. They often consider voluntary work or
a free service as a waste of time, failing to appreciate that to earn
the pleasure of Allah is the best and most precious of all rewards.
So they only feel as if they have taken on a great responsibility or
made a great sacrifice. At this point emerges the distinctive nature
of a believer’s enthusiasm. Whether hard or simple, a duty never