Page 91 - Zeal and Enthusiasm in the Qur'an
P. 91
Throughout this book it has been discussed how believers ea-
gerly live by the principles of the religion, how they derive pleasure
from their struggle, and how they will be rewarded with great favors
and honor in the Sight of Allah. Attention was drawn to the intent,
determination and courage that zeal grants to believers. Also dealt
with is how the verse, "You will be superior if you are [true] be-
lievers" 135 manifests itself in those who strive sincerely.
Similarly, the failure of those who do not strive sufficiently and
lag behind, although they certainly acknowledge the existence of
Allah and the hereafter, was described. Also explained was the loss
they will suffer and the great regret they will feel and their lament, "If
only I had been among those who vigorously embraced the reli-
gion..." They were reminded that they might well be among those
whose lives were in vain and invited to adopt faith wholeheartedly
while they still have some time. Those who live among believers
and read the Qur’an yet display a different kind of character from
that of the believers have been summoned to sincere faith and to
be among those who are "foremost" in good deeds.
The good news has been recalled of the mercy Allah grants to
those who eagerly embrace Islam, while those who live among be-
lievers and observe at close range the perfection of Qur’anic values