Page 93 - Zeal and Enthusiasm in the Qur'an
P. 93
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
"Here, read my record!" 137
While there is still a chance to earn a blissful end, why would
anyone choose instead to fear the exposure of his record and suf-
fer eternal regret and torment? The only thing required for a happy
ending is to follow one’s conscience and sincerely and enthusiasti-
cally live by the values of the Qur’an. The only way to feel peaceful
and to derive pleasure from this world in its real sense is this way of
life. If one would rather "make the most" of life in the material
sense, he will soon realize that he has gained nothing from it.
That is why this book invites all people to make a judgement of
conscience. They are encouraged not to consider whatever deeds
they have done so far sufficient to procure the best of the hereafter
but rather to continue with the zeal, exuberance and effort of the
prophets. They are invited to be of those who compete to become
foremost in the race to Allah, to attain paradise and everlasting
mercy. Allah praises those who embrace Islam eagerly and prom-
ises them gardens in paradise abounding with blessings:
"And the forerunners, the forerunners – those are the ones
brought near [to Allah] in the Gardens of Pleasure, a [large]
company of the former peoples and a few of the later peo-
ples." 138