Page 25 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 25

The Origin of Life and the Universe

          DNA: the molecule
          of life

                                                          DNA during the
                                                          replication can be
                                                          thought as the fi-
                                                          nite controls. Here
                                                          is a cartoon show-
                                                          ing DNA replica-
                                                          tion where again
                                                          the DNA repre-
                                                          sents the input and
                                                          the output and the
                                                          enzymes that ma-
                                                          nipulate the DNA
                                                          are the finite con-
                                                          trols. In other
                                                          words when the
            cells machinery replicates the DNA it says if a computer system is operating
            in the very interior of the cell. Because of the similarity between how
            computer systems function and processes like DNA replication computer
            scientists have been inspired to develop a new technology called DNA
            computing. The DNA computing essentially is based on the DNA and the
            proteins found inside the cell that manipulate DNA.
                These DNA computers are found inside little tiny test tubes, that are
            this size. And these computers are more powerful than the most powerful
            silicone based computer system that we have. They are more powerful
            than super computer systems. And the reason is because you can perform
            massive parallel operations simultaneously. DNA computing is the
            brainchild of a computer scientist by the name of Leonard Adleman who
            is at the University of Southern California. And this is what Leonard
            Adleman says about the DNA computing:
                “The most important thing about DNA computing is that it shows that
                DNA molecules can do what we normally think only computers can do.
                This implies that Computer Science and Biology are closely related.

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