Page 23 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 23
The Origin of Life and the Universe
There are 46 chromoso-
mes in human cells in 23
pairs and they are res-
ponsible for the operation
of various activities in the
body. Any deficiency in
these chromosomes
would lead to
results for the cell, and therefore for the person as the theory of evolution would have us believe.
himself. That being the case, how did the enormous in-
For instance, hemophilia (child leukemia) is formation within DNA come about and how was
the outcome of such an erroneous coding. For it encoded? Evolutionists, who base the roots of
instance, haemophilia (leukaemia) is the outcome life on coincidences, have actually no comment
of such an erroneous coding. There are several to make on the subject of the roots of life. When
hereditary diseases that are caused by various you ask them about the roots of DNA, in other
disorders in genetic make-up. The only reason words the genetic code, you get the same reply
for these potentially very threatening diseases is from all of them. Leslie E. Orgel for instance, one
that one or a few of the millions of letters in the of the foremost evolutionist biochemists of our
genetic code are in the wrong place. Mongolism, time, offers the following reply:
or Down's Syndrome, is quite widespread. It is We do not understand even the general features
caused by the presence of an extra chromosome of the origin of the genetic code . . . [It] is the most
in the 21 chromosome pair in every cell. Another baffling aspect of the problem of the origins of life
example is Huntington's Disease. The sufferer is and a major conceptual or experimental breakth-
quite healthy up to 35, but then uncontrollable rough may be needed before we can make any
muscular spasms appear in the arms, legs and substantial progress. 3
face. Since this fatal and incurable disease also Those who claim that millions of pages, billions
affects the brain, the sufferer's memory and of pieces of information were written by chance
powers of thought grow progressively weaker. are of course left quite speechless in this way. In
All these genetic diseases reveal one important the same way that every book or piece of information
fact: the genetic code is so sensitive and balanced, has a writer or owner, so does the information in
and so minutely calculated, that the smallest DNA: and that Creator is our Lord God, the pos-
change can lead to very serious consequences. sessor of superior and infinite knowledge and rea-
One letter too many or too few can lead to fatal son.
sicknesses, or lifelong crippling effects. For this
reason, it is definitely impossible to think that 1- Frank B. Salisbury, "Doubts About The Modern Synthetic Theory of
Evolution", p. 336
such a sensitive equilibrium came about by 2- Francis Crick, Life Itself: It's Origin and Nature, New York, Simon &
Schuster, 1981, p. 88
chance and developed by means of mutations, 3- Orgel, Leslie E, "Darwinism at the Very Beginning of Life", New Scientist,
vol. 94 (April 15, 1982), p.151