Page 18 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 18

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            science and religion. And you have to wonder that perception of conflict
            is the reason why they refuse to entertain the possibility of God’s existence.
            Tragically, 50% of people who attend church on a regular basis in the
            United States think there is conflict. This is a very sad state of affairs.
                And yet, it was science that brought me to the conviction that a
            Creator must exist. When I entered college, I was an agnostic. I didn’t
            know if God existed or not, and I honestly didn’t care. I simply wasn’t
            interested in religion as a young man. The focus of my attention was bio-
            chemistry. I wanted to do everything that I could to prepare myself to go to
            graduate school to earn a PhD in biochemistry. As an undergraduate
            student, I was convinced that evolutionary mechanisms could account for
            the origin, history, and design of biological systems. But my convictions
            were not based on a careful examination of the evidence. But instead, they
            were based on what my biology professors taught me. I admired my
            professors and because I respected them I accepted what they said about
            evolution uncritically. In many ways, my acceptance of the evolutionary
            paradigm fueled my agnosticism. When I speak on university campuses in
            the United States, I run into students who—like me— think that evolution
            is a fact but it is not because they’ve examined the evidence, it is because
            their professors had taught them that very truth. Or that claimed “truth”.
                  When I have graduated school my views changed. You might say
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