Page 17 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 17
The Origin of Life and the Universe
Dr. Fazale R. Rana’s presentation:
"Why I Believe God Exists:
A Biochemist Makes a Case for the Creator"
I am truly honored to be here today.
It really is a privilege to be part of this
conference. We live in a world today where
there is so much conflict. It is refreshing
to be part of a project where the goal is to
show the world that Christians and Muslims
can work together towards a common
goal. Showing that there is scientific evi-
dence for God’s existence and also showing
that there are genuine scientific challenges
to the evolutionary paradigm. Both are objectives that Muslims and
Christians can agree upon.
In the second point that there are scientific challenges to the theory
of evolution is very important. Because if evolutionary mechanisms can
explain the origin, history and the design of life, then both believers and
nonbelievers, alike, can rightly ask: ‘What role is a Creator to play?” In
fact, evolutionary biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins says in his book
The Blind Watchmaker:
“Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin,
Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”
Statements like these cause many people to conclude around the
world that conflict exists between science and religion with science
eventually winning the war. In August 2015, The Pew Research Foundation
in United States published data showing that 75% of people who never
attend church or seldom attend church think that there is conflict between