Page 16 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 16
The Origin of Life and the Universe
on Earth... That is where there must be [natural
selection]. The earlier, the better. ...
& 3 The weak must die, while the strong survive. That
is natural selection, the survival of the fittest.
A large number of students in schools have been Animals constantly die. You never see a dog
killed in attacks using weapons on schools in Europe crying over having killed another dog. Human be-
and the USA in recent years. The media have gene- ings also die. The reaction must be the same.
rally suggested that these attacks are the work of This is simply a natural thing, not a great or im-
people with depression or psychopathic behavior or portant one. I am not the law and the judge. I
antisocial personality disorder. Looked at closely, have no authority. I am ready to fight and die for
however, there is another more striking factor behind my aim. Since I do not regard natural selection as
these attacks; the theory of evolution, which claims sufficient, I will eliminate the disgraces of mankind,
that life is a struggle between weak and strong. the failures of natural selection... I am different, I
By spreading the lie that there is no purpose to have evolved a stage further." (From Pecca-Eric
human life, Darwinist education turns people into Auvinen's video "My Philosophy")
psychologically sick individuals, pessimistic and
psychopathic, devoid of all hope and joy. Darwin’s The Columbine High School Massacre
superstition that has poisoned vast numbers turns On April 20 , 1999, two students at Columbine
people into serial killers and even makes them High School in the U.S. state of Colorado, 18-year-
psychopathic enough to eat human flesh. School old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold, entered
massacres is one of those disasters that comes of their school with guns and bombs. After killing 12
this false religion which seeks to indoctrinate people students and a teacher in the space of 30 minutes,
with the idea they have no responsibility to a Creator, they then killed themselves. Harris' T-shirt read “Na-
that convinces them they are purposeless, irrespon- tural Selection.” Most of the writings collected from
sible and aimless entities, that regards human beings Harris’ home in the wake of the attack referred to
as animals and that seeks to turn people away from natural selection and feelings of superiority. In videos
the fact of the hereafter by portraying death as the previously uploaded onto the internet, Harris and
end. Klebold constantly referred to themselves as “more
evolved” and talked about how it felt to be supposedly
The Jokela High School Massacre “superhuman.”
In a message posted on the YouTube web site As we can see only in these examples, Darwinism
prior to the massacre, the 18-year-old Pekka-Eric can easily turn innocent people into monsters. With
Auvinen, who slaughtered seven students and a te- utmost priority, the one-sided Darwinist indoctrination
acher on November 1st, 2007, should be ended in school education,
before killing himself, described and the scientific evidence against
himself as an antisocial social Darwinism should be a part of the
Darwinist and went on to say: school curricula.
"I am an anarchist who be- The officials who are devising
lieves only in natural selec- educational policies should be aware
tion. People must again start of such circumstances of Darwinist
applying natural selection. education and bear the responsibility.
Animals live in that way, so The educational system has to be
why should human beings amended accordingly to provide for
not? At the end of the day, the acknowledgment of the youth
we are simply animals. We on the scientific invalidity of Darwi-
human beings are nism and its ideological background.
the worst animals