Page 14 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 14

The Origin of Life and the Universe

                The proponents of the superstitious religion of Darwinism are so
            adamant and tyrannical in this that speaking against evolution brings
            with it a great deal of difficulties for the relevant person. According to this
            Darwinist imposition, doubting evolution, or talking about Darwinist
            hoaxes, is tantamount to committing a crime. In addition, saying that
            evolution is a theory that has yet to be proven is another major crime for
            them. It is almost impossible for a scientist with an anti-Darwinist stance
            to lecture in the biology department of a university. It is impossible to see
            any picture of a fossil that refutes the evolutionary theory on the pages of
            a pro-Darwinist newspaper. It is considered a mistake for a biology teacher
            to express his doubts about the theory of evolution, and when that
            happens, that teacher will most probably be dismissed.
                The examples of this oppression are abundant: For instance, biology
            professor Caroline Crocker; she was dismissed from George Mason
            University because she questioned evolutionary theory. This is how she
            describes her ordeal:
                My supervisor called me to his office and said ‘You have to be disciplined
                for teaching creation’, and I lost my job at the end of that semester.
                (Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Dir. Nathan Francowski, 2008)  
                Biologist Richard von Sternberg, Ph.D., was dismissed from his duty
            at the National History Museum because he questioned evolution and
            allowed the publication of anti-evolution authors. There is only one reason
            for these discriminatory attitudes. Universities, scientific publications and
            similar institutions and organizations are under the control of those that
            support materialistic worldviews. They want the theory of evolution –
            which is trying to rationalize fairy tales of coincidences - to be supported
            and propagated. There is no room for anyone in their world if that
            someone has conflicting views. Such people are removed from their duties
            at universities. Their articles are no longer published in journals. These
            circles control the educational systems of all countries and compel these
            countries to teach children the fairy tales of evolution as if they are facts.
                Children growing up with the ruthless dogmas of evolution like
            ‘survival of the fittest’, or ‘the crush to survive’; they are indoctrinated with
              a cruel morality and a ruthless view of humanity and life. Needless to
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