Page 4 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 4
The Origin of Life and the Universe
Introduction 5
Altuğ Berker's presentation:
"Darwinism Prevents Teaching of Science" 8
The "Discovery of the Transitional Forms" is a Fraud 10
The Disasters Caused by Darwinist Education: Young Murderers 14
Dr. Fazale R. Rana’s presentation:
“Why I Believe God Exists: A Biochemist Makes a Case for the Creator” 15
The Complex Structure of Life 18
DNA Challenges Coincidence 20
DNA Confessions from Evolutionists 24
Another Example of Evolutionists' Helplessness: The ‘RNA World’ Scenario 30
Dr. Anjeanette ‘AJ’ Roberts's presentation:
“Un-Equivocating Evolution” 34
Evolutionists' Confessions Stating That DNA Cannot Form by Chance 35
Protein Cannot Form Unless the Cell Exists as An Integral Whole 37
Intracellular Molecular Machines That Perform Protein Care and Cleanup 40
Neo-Darwinism and Mutation Impasse 43
The Speciation Deception 46
The Micro and Macro Evolution Errors of Darwinists 51