Page 5 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 5

The Origin of Life and the Universe

                               Dr. Jeff Zweerink’s presentation:
                         “The Beginning and Design of the Universe" 56
                   The Expansion of Universe and the Discovery of the Big Bang 57
                  The Order in the Universe And Creation According to the Torah 59
                                The Triumph of the Big Bang 63
                        Distinguishing Between Science and Materialism 64
                   The Signs in the Qur'an in Regard to Creation of the Universe 68
                Confessions of Evolutionists Stating that the Universe Has a Beginning 71
                 Why are Proteins Constituted of Only 20 of the 200 Amino Acids? 75
                            God, Not Chance, Created the Universe 78

                               Dr. Oktar Babuna’s presentation:
                   “Collapse of the Evolution Theory and the Fact of Creation” 81
                    The Idea That "Mutations Cause Evolution" is a Falsehood 86
                       The Concealment of Cambrian Fossils for 70 Years 92
                               “Piltdown Man” Was a Hoax 96
                       Darwinist Confessions Regarding the Ida Deception 97

                              Dr. Cihat Gündoğdu’s presentation:
                       “Darwinism Legitimizes All Kinds of Oppression” 106
                     The Error of Applying Nature's Laws to Human Beings 108
                                      Conclusion 111

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