Page 77 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 77

The Origin of Life and the Universe

           -       1                         of collagen, by permitting the chains comprising
                                             the protein to bind tightly together, which in-
              :    %         %   7           creases the resistance of the collagen fibers.
                       7    !                Collagen fibers have been determined to have
                                             greater tensile strength than steel. If another
                                             side-chain amino acid were used in place of
           In theory, one would expect the number of  glycine, the resulting collagen fibers could not
          amino acids in nature to be far more than 200.  possess the same level of tensile strength. At
          Even in human body, many amino acids not  the same time, were it not for glycine, the
          used in human proteins are used in the body's  collagen fibers would also lack enough strength
          metabolic functions. Why, therefore, do proteins  to bind cells to one another.
          select only 20 amino acids when so many are  As you can see from this brief description,
          more available?                    there is a consciousness and planning behind
           We can answer this question by examining  the selection of these 20 specific amino acids
          proteins' functions and structures. In order to  from among the 200 occurring naturally. Had
          perform their functions essential to life, proteins  this selection taken place at random, then the
          need to possess specific features, and amino  proteins necessary for life could never have
          acids are one of the main elements that give  formed. If only a single amino acid were any
          them those properties. For instance, it is essential  different from how it needs to be, a vital function
          that an amino acid possess hydrophobic (or  would collapse, and life would therefore become
          water-repellent) side chains. But these side  impossible. It is apparent that there are conscious
          chains must not be very large, or else it will be  systems, rational selection, and order in every
          impossible to pack and install them inside the  phase of life.
           Side chains must also possess two features
          known as helix and layered formations. As a
          result of these, a protein can assume a three-
          dimensional form, and these are also essential
          for the protein to work properly.
           Research has shown that of the 20 amino
          acids used in proteins, most are hydrophobic
          side chains. Half possess a-helix properties
          and the other half, b-layer properties.
           Examine the properties of these 20 amino
          acids one by one, and you can understand why
          they have been specially selected for proteins.            1. Pro
          For instance, even glycine—the smallest and                2. Gly
          simplest amino acid—has a very important role
          to play in collagen, which is one of the most im-
                                              The amino acid structure of the protein collagen is
          portant proteins. If the three amino acids that  seen. As you see, one of each three amino acids is
          comprise collagen, one is glycine. Its small di-  glycine (Gly). Being very small, glycine is the most
                                              suitable amino acid for the structure of collagen.
          mensions play an important role in the structure

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