Page 81 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 81

The Origin of Life and the Universe

        them, and indeed between all stars, must be very  space. Yet this highly sensitive balance has been
        close to the actual observed figure. (Michael Den-  put in place, and the system survives because it
        ton, Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology  is maintained by that balance.
        Reveal Purpose in the Universe, New York: The  At this point it needs to be stated that the
        Free Press: 1998, p. 11)             balance in question is instituted separately for
                                             each planet because the planets lie at very different
          Perfect Order in the Solar System   distances from the sun. Their masses are also
          One of the areas where we can most clearly  very different. They all therefore need to have dif-
        observe the regularity in the universe is the solar  ferent orbital velocities in order not to fly away
        system, home to our earth. The solar system con-  into space or plunge into the sun. Almighty God
        tains eight planets and 54 satellites dependent on  reveals this glorious order He has created in this
        those planets. In order of their proximity to the  verse:
        sun, these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth,  “It is not for the sun to overtake the moon
        Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. The  nor for the night to outstrip the day; each
        only one of these planets and 54 satellites with a  one is swimming in a sphere.” (Surah Ya
        surface and atmosphere suited to life is our Earth.   Sin, 40)
          When we look at the structure of the Solar  Each one of the planets in the universe, great
        System, we again encounter a remarkable balance.  or small, is a component that is of crucial importance
        The effect that pro-                                       to this order. Ne-
        tects the planets from                                     ither their positi-
        being cast off into the                                    ons in space nor
        icy depths of space                                        their courses are
        is the balance betwe-                                      at all random:
        en the “gravitational                                      On the contrary,
        attraction of the sun”                                     they are all crea-
        and the “centrifugal                                       ted with nume-
        force” of the planets.                                     rous  details,
        Due to its great gra-                                      some of which
        vitational force, the                                      we know and ot-
        sun attracts the pla-                                      hers not, and for
        nets toward it, while                                      a specific purpo-
        they try to escape                                         se. Indeed, of all
        from it through the                                        the factors that
        centrifugal force set                                      affect the balan-
        up by their orbits. Ho-                                    ces in the uni-
        wever, if the planets’                                     verse, just a mi-
        orbits were slightly                                       nute change in
        slower, these planets                                      the position of
        would be pulled to-                                        the planets wo-
        ward the sun and be swallowed by it in a tremen-  uld be enough to tear apart all these inter-related
        dous explosion.                      balances. Yet these balances are never compro-
          The opposite might also apply. If the planets  mised, and the perfect order in the universe con-
        orbited the sun slightly faster, the power of the  tinues uninterrupted. This is the immaculate
        sun would be unable to restrain them and the pla-  creation by Almighty God.
        nets would simply spin off into the void of outer

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