Page 86 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 86
The Origin of Life and the Universe
kind. So life is only generated from life. Each living cell is replicated by
another cell, formed by the replication of another cell. Therefore the first
life on earth must have originated from another life. This is the manifestation
of the name of God, ‘Hayy’ (meaning, the Owner of Life). Life can only
start and continue and end by His will.
Now, neo-Darwinism, which is the "mainstream" argument today,
claims that there are two imaginary mechanisms of evolution: "Natural
selection" and "mutations". They say this is the claim of Darwinism, that
there are two complementary factors. First they say, mutations help new
traits to be developed, and suitable ones are selected by natural selection
therefore they say living things evolve. But this is very unscientific.
First, you see this is a slide about the natural selection and mutations
always cause asymmetry and pathology. I will go into detail. Natural
selection holds that the living things which are more suited to the natural
conditions of their habitats will succeed and produce an offspring, and
those, which are unfit, will vanish. Take this example over here. If a herd
of deer is threatened by predators like jaguars, leopards or lions for
example, of course those which run faster will survive. That is true.
However no matter how long this process goes on there will be only faster
running deer. It will not transform it into another species such as horses,
because natural selection cannot change DNA by any means. It cannot
add new genetic information; it cannot generate brand-new proteins or
brand new organs. It only eliminates the weak or sick individuals from the
population. Natural selection is not capable of planning and foresight. So,
it is impossible for a blind and unconscious mechanism such as natural
selection to have created all these complex design and information in
living things. What is nature? Nature is air, soil and rocks. Nature itself is
created; it cannot have any consciousness. The consciousness belongs to
the omnipotent intelligence of God.
So natural selection is not a conscious mechanism of course. That is
the reason why Charles Darwin admitted in his book, he is the first one
who talked about natural selection. But in his book he said, "Natural
selection can do nothing until favorable variations chance to occur”. And
as the cause of these favorable variations, the Neo-Darwinists had to