Page 90 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
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The Origin of Life and the Universe
tation to occur at the same time, mathematicians Sorbonne, wrote this on the subject:
still say the problem of time is an acute dilemma The probability of dust carried by the wind repro-
for Darwinists. Even Professor of Paleontology ducing Dürer's "Melancholia" is less infinitesimal
George G. Simpson, one of the most unrepentant than the probability of copy errors in the DNA
Darwinists, clearly states that it would take an in- molecules leading to the formation of the eye. 9
finite length of time for five mutations to happen Darwinists ignore this miraculous system present
at the same time.6 An infinite amount of time me- in DNA and avoid going deeply into the subject
ans zero probability. And that is a probability
and coming up with any explanation of it; yet
which applies to all the structures and organs they construct a scenario of the history of life
possessed by living things. Thus, there is no built on replication errors with an almost zero
possibility of the glorious variety of life we see in possibility of happening. This once again reveals
our daily lives coming about through mutations. the nonsensical nature of Darwinist logic.
The evolutionist George G. Simpson has per- Following the realization that Darwin's idea of
formed another calculation regarding the mutation natural selection most definitely did not constitute
claim in question. He admitted that in a community an account of evolution and the emergence of
of 100 million individuals, which could hypothetically the laws of genetics becoming a lethal blow to
produce a new generation every day, a positive Darwinism, the claim of the
outcome from mutations would only take place
which had been the main weapon
once every 274 billion years. That number is of neo-Darwinism, was seen to be no more than
many times greater than the age of the Earth, es- a deception. It is absolutely ridiculous to claim
timated to be at 4.5 billion years old.7 These, of that a mechanism such as a mutation, which da-
course, are all calculations assuming that mutations mages, destroys and kills the living organism, as
have a positive effect on the generations which well as sometimes harming all subsequent gene-
gave rise to them, and on subsequent generations; rations, can give rise to entirely new living things.
but no such assumption applies in the real world.
But masses of people were taken in by this lie for
years. Darwinist scientists of course know that
Why Is the Body That Is Supposedly Evolving mutations have no such miraculous power. Even
Protected against Mutations? Richard Dawkins, one of the present day's most
All evolutionist scientists know that the probability fervid Darwinists, admits that "most mutations
of a replication error occurring in a living organism's are deleterious, so some undesirable side effect
DNA for no reason is very low. Research has re- is pretty likely." The reason why Darwinists still
vealed that there are protective elements in the propose this discredited claim as a mechanism
cell that prevent genetic errors from arising. The for evolution is their devotion to the superstitious
information in DNA cannot be copied in the ab- religion of Darwinism.
sence of particular enzymes that control one
another against errors. These include double-
1- Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense, Evidence Against Evolution, Master
filter enzymes for ensuring that the right amino Books, 2001, s. 74-75
2- Jonathan Welss, Ph.D., The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent
acid binds to the right tRNA. One filter rejects Design, Regnery Publishing Inc., Washington, 2006, sf.34
amino acids that are too large, and the other 3- Jonathan Welss, Ph.D., The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent
Design, Regnery Publishing Inc., Washington, 2006, sf.36
those that are too small. This is a very sensitive 4- Jonathan Wells, Evrimin İkonları, Gelenek yayınları, Ocak 2003, s. 172-173
5- Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great Evolution Mystery, Sphere Books Ltd., 1984, s.
and rational system. There are also enzymes 4
6- Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great Evolution Mystery, Sphere Books Ltd., 1984, s.
that do final checks against the possibility of any 230
error arising in this intelligent system. Scientists 7- Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense, Evidence Against Evolution, Master
Books, 2001, s. 81
have concluded that they could not imagine a 8- Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense, Evidence Against Evolution, Master
Books, 2001, s. 74-75
better cellular control and protection system aimed 9- Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense, Evidence Against Evolution, Master
at maintaining the integrity of DNA. 8 Books, 2001, s. 81
10- Richard Dawkins, The Extended Phenotype, Oxford University Press, 1999, s.
Pierre Paul Grassé, who spent 30 141
years as professor of evolution at the