Page 95 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 95

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            animals with the first eye in the history of earth like this eye of the Anom-
            alocaris. Now, I have two eyes with two lenses right, one lens over here the
            other over here. But this living being Anomalocaris has 16,000 lenses in
            one eye, 16,000 lenses in the second eye, a total of 32,000 lenses. This is
            called the compound eye structure and it appears all of a sudden. That
            means sudden creation. Or the trilobite eye that you see over here, it
            consists of 3,000 lenses that also appear all at once in the Cambrian era.
            We have that kind of an eye structure in the modern insects today, in the
            bees for example, in the flies, in the dragonfly. Extremely complex eye
            structure appears all of a sudden in the history of life that means creation
            with the commandment “Be” of God.
                Now if you ask evolutionists they sometimes give less than a dozen
            transitional forms. The most famous one of these fossils is Archaeopteryx
            over here and the Tiktaalik roseae. They talk too much about these and
            there are some others of course. But, for this Archaeopteryx, although evo-
            lutionists claimed this is the ancestor of the bird, it is understood that it is
            a full bird. The most prominent ornithologists, meaning scientists who
            research the origin of flight, admit this. Alan Fedducia is one of the most
            famous of them, he is also a Darwinist, a defender of Darwinism. He said
            it's a full bird, a perfect bird. The sternum bone was missing but it was
            found in 1919’s in Germany.
                And this is Tiktaalik roseae. In 2004 it was in the world media all over
            the place as a transitional form. They said this with claims that it is a half-
            land, half-fish organism, but it turned out to be a forgery. Because they
            found a flat skull, this skull belongs to a crocodile very similar to the
            Alligator sinensis, which lives in China. Only the skull was found and then
            a body, a fish body was added to that to make it look like something
            between the land and sea animals. It is a forgery. Why do these people do
            forgeries? Because there is a lack of evidence, there are no transitional
            forms. They generate fossils, fake fossils, which belong to either extinct
            species or complete forgeries to support Darwinism. Now, here is the
            famous myth of the ancestor of man.
                They are embarrassed to claim that the so-called ancestor of man is
            an ape. What they do is they call it a common ancestor. If they find skulls
            for example which belong to apes, extinct ape species, which we have

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