Page 98 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 98

The Origin of Life and the Universe

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           In 1912, Charles Dawson, a well-known doctor
         and also an amateur paleontologist, claimed to
         have found a jaw bone and skull fragment in a
         depression near Piltdown, England. Although
         the jaw bone resembled an ape jaw, the teeth
         and skull resembled those of a human being.
         The fossils were given the name "Piltdown Man,"
         dated at 500,000 years old, and put on display
         in the British Museum as the most significant  had been added on and set afterwards to give
         evidence of so-called human evolution. A great  the impression of being human, and the insertion
         many scientific papers, analyses and illustrations  points had been planed down. All the fragments
         were produced over the next 40 years. Some  had then been stained with potassium dichromate
         500 academics from different universities wrote  in order to give an aged appearance. This
         doctoral theses about Piltdown Man. 1  staining disappeared when the bones were
           On a visit to the British Museum in 1935, the  placed in acid. Le Gros Clark, from the team
         well-known American paleoanthropologist H. F.  that exposed the hoax, was unable to conceal
         Osborn said, "... Nature is full of paradoxes... a  his amazement and said: "The evidences of ar-
         discovery of transcendent importance to the pre-  tificial abrasion immediately sprang to the eye.
         history of man." But Piltdown Man was a huge  Indeed so obvious did they seem it may well be
         fraud, a deliberately manufactured hoax.  asked-how was it that they had escaped notice
           In 1949, Kenneth Oakley from the British Mu-  before?" 4
         seum Paleontology Department sought permission  The science writer Hank Hanegraaff referred
         to use the newly developed "fluoride test" on a  to this astonishing state of affairs as follows:
         number of ancient fossils. The Piltdown Man  ... as Marvin Lubenov explains, 'The file marks
         fossil was duly tested using the technique. The  on the orangutan teeth of the lower jaw were
         test revealed that there was no fluoride in the  clearly visible. The molars were misaligned
         Piltdown Man jaw bone. This meant that the jaw  and filed at two different angles. The canine
         bone had been underground for no more than a  tooth had been filed down so far that the pulp
         few years. The skull itself contained a small  cavity had been exposed and then plugged. 5
         amount of fluoride and must have been a few  Following this surprising and, for Darwinists,
         thousand years old.               embarrassing discovery, Piltdown Man was
           Subsequent chronological research based on  hastily removed from the British Museum where
         the fluoride technique revealed that the skull  it had been on display for some 40 years.
         was no more than a few thousand years in age.  The Darwinist deception was so enormous
         It was also realized that the teeth in the jaw  that a hand-made fossil had fooled the whole
         bone had been artificially worn down, and that  scientific world and all mankind for 40 years.
         the primitive tools found beside the fossils were  This would inevitably go down as one of the
         replicas carved out using steel equipment. 3  blackest marks in the history of evolution.
         Oxford professor of physical anthropology Joseph
         Weiner's detailed analyses definitively confirmed
                                           1- Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans,
         this fraud in 1953. The skull was human, around  1980, p. 59
                                           2- Stephen Jay Gould, "Smith Woodward's Folly", New Scientist, April 5, 1979,
         500 years old, while the jaw bone belonged to a  p.44
                                           3- Kenneth Oakley, William Le Gros Clark & J. S, "Piltdown", Meydan Larous-
               recently deceased orangutan! The teeth  se, vol. 10, p. 133.
                                           4- Stephen Jay Gould, "Smith Woodward's Folly", New Scientist, April 5, 1979,
                                           5- Hank Hanegraaff, Fatal Flaws "What Evolutionists Don't Want You To
                                           Know", W Publishing Group, 2003 p. 34
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