Page 96 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 96
The Origin of Life and the Universe
more than 6,500 that lived throughout history. Nowadays, only 120 of
them are alive. So they find some extinct ape species’ skulls and they put it
in an order from the smaller to the larger one and they add some vanished
human races to that at the end, and they say this is the evolution of
humans. They never say humans’ ancestor is an ape, but there is a common
ancestor because they are embarrassed to say that their ancestors are apes.
But always they show us some extinct ape species. What they do is if they
find a piece of a skull mostly, it can be a tooth, a piece of a skull or a
complete skull. They go to their workshops. This is the most famous
Darwinist artist of the world. He generates his imagination all the time.
His name is John Gurche. In his lab, he takes cast from human beings.
This is his friend actually. He has taken a cast from him. Then he starts to
play, to play around with this cast. He generates something like this. At
the end this is complete imaginary based on no scientific evidence. He
generates something like this as if a half-ape, half-human fossil lived in
the past. And here it is looking at you and he put some human eyes at the
end. So if you would give this piece of skull for example to 100 different
artists they would generate 100 different illustrations. So it does not have
any scientific value. Of course, here are fake reconstructions where they
took an orangutan and on purpose put human eyes to make it look like
half-human, half-orangutan looking at you. But this is all fake doesn't
have any scientific value.
So, I want to give you some examples of forgeries, there are many for-
geries. This one is called Nebraska Man. In this Nebraska Man they found
a single tooth in the state of Nebraska, the United States years and years
ago. Based on a single tooth, they made illustrations of his family, his
cousins, his children, his father, and his mother. Based on a single tooth.
You know what happened after that; they found that the rest of the fossil
turned out to belong to a pig. And they apologized of course. This is
Haeckel, Ernst Haeckel, he did some illustrations based on the embryo.
He did similar drawings of human, monkey and dog embryos to make
them look like they resemble each other. Then he admitted he had done
fraudulent drawings. You know what he said. I'm not going to apologize
he said, because everybody else is doing fraudulent drawings or
forgeries. That was his excuse. Or, Piltdown Man for example, for 40