Page 100 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 100

The Origin of Life and the Universe

             defended in the face of so many scientific evidence, the non-existence of
             transitional forms, and the impossibility of proteins to appear by chance.
             And all this complexity and information in living things falsify the claims
             of Darwinism one by one. And also, you don't have any transitional forms.
                 And could God create through evolution?
                 Of course, God could have created through evolution, but then we
             would have all the transitions between the species. And I would be, and
             all my friends and the Honorary Chairman of TBAV, Mr. Adnan Oktar
             would be one of the most powerful defenders of evolution of course. But
             God did not create through evolution. So why should we defend evolution
             then? Evolution is not science.
                 The problem with evolution is that evolution claims the emergence
             of life to be the result of random mechanisms, mutations and natural se-
             lection. If somebody, any believer goes to the side of evolution that opens
             the way to atheism, and then to be an unbeliever. God created with
             sudden creation, not through evolution, that is what science shows us. In
             one verse in the Qur’an -I seek refuge in God from the accursed satan-
             God reveals:
                 “Everything is obedient to Him. The Originator of the heavens and
                 earth. When He decides on something, He just says to it ‘Be!’ and it
                 is.” (Surat al-Baqara, 116-117)
                 God created with His commandment “Be” and we know this from
             the fossil evidence. We see the species appear all at once and suddenly in
             the history of life. For example, if we go back enough in time, we meet the
             plant and the first animal. And we meet, 3.8 billion years ago, the first
             living cell. And again being alive is something completely different. This
             is the manifestation of God’s name “Hayy”. Only God may create and
             sustain life. Only God may start and continue life by His will. So, science
             and religion are compatible of course, what is not compatible with science
             is evolution.
                 And we see mathematical perfection in living things, for example,
             the golden ratio. We look at the plants, we look at the galaxies, we look at
             the DNA, and we see the golden ratio. Golden ratio is a number, which
                was discovered by Fibonacci in the Middle Ages. It is 1.618, this is the
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