Page 99 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 99

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            The New York Times said, “Fossil skeleton known as IDA is no ancestor of
                This always happens. They present it first, it is like brainwashing.
            And everybody reads that and at the end they apologize. So, science is
            anti-Darwinist, anti-atheist, science is the enemy of Darwinism. Science
            is against Darwinism; science is anti-communist, and anti-Marxist. Science
            destroys Marxist, atheist and Darwinist thought.
                All the religions teach us one fact, the Fact of Creation. Creation by
            omnipotent intelligence in other words by Almighty God, with His com-
            mandment “Be.” This is what religions teach with reason and scientific ev-
            idences. This is also same in all the Divine faiths. We are being taught the
            Creation of God. So science is compatible with religion. Some people say,
            “do not confuse religion with science.” However this is a misconception.
            What contradicts with science is evolution. Evolution is not science. It is

                                             studied Ida outlined the details of their research.

                                             Their pronouncements were just as extrava-
        2 3     3     6       .              gant.” 3

                                             Robert Foley, a professor of human
          Charles Beard, a paleontologist from the  evolution at Cambridge University:
        Johns Hopkins University Carnegie Museum  “It is ‘meaningless’ to describe this creature as
        of Natural History:                  a missing link." 4
          "This fossil is not as close to monkeys, apes,  "Dr. Simons phoned me for the first time in 10
          and humans as we are being led to believe." 1  years to share his outrage about this MALARKEY
                                             and, for the first time in a decade, I agree with
          Duke University paleontologist     him,” said Beard last week. “...The roll-out was
          Richard Kay:                       extraordinary and it is now clear that the scientists
          "There is no scientific analysis to prove that Ida  were under pressure to meet the showbusiness
          is a missing link," IN OTHER WORDS, THERE  deadlines."
          IS NO EVIDENCE FOR IT AT ALL. 2    Simons had said: "It’s absurd and dangerous.
                                             … This is all bad science... Darwinius is a won-
          Timesonline:                       derful fossil, but IT IS NOT A MISSING LINK
          “Attenborough...was just one element of the  OF ANY KIND. IT REPRESENTS A DEAD
          media circus turning Ida into humanity’s newest  END IN EVOLUTION."
          and best link with its ancient past. … Such
          finds are usually unveiled to the world through  1 The Missing Link? Nightline, ABC News television, May 20, 2009. The Missing
          the sober pages of an academic journal, but for  Link? Nightline, ABC News television, May 20, 2009
                                           2 Gibbons, A. "Revolutionary" Fossil Fails to Dazzle Paleontologists. Science-
          Ida nothing less than a glittering press conference  NOW Daily News. Posted on May 19, 2009, acces-
          at the American Museum of Natural History in  sed May 20, 2009
          New York would do. Later the scientists who  4
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