Page 97 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 97

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            years it was displayed at the British Museum. They found a skull, the skull
            belonged to a human. They added the jaw of an ape and teeth of a human
            being, and they generated this. For 40 years it was displayed in the British
            Museum, and it turned out to be a forgery also. They then apologized. So
            Darwinists always do that, because not having any evidence to support
            Darwinism, they generate these illustrations, such forgeries without having
            any scientific evidence.
                This is from Discovery magazine actually titled, “Is this the face of our
            past?” They found this in Gran Dolina, a Spanish paleontologist found the
            skull. It is 800,000 years old and exactly looks like an 11-year old child’s
            skull. This looks like a modern skull of a living person today. So all the
            evidence falsifies Darwinism and supports the fact of Creation by God.
                Now another forgery from our time is the lemur fossil found in 2009.
            There are extinct species of lemurs also, and they presented this as the
            ancestor of men. The BBC, The New York Times, all the magazines, The
            Guardian, in the Turkish media, everywhere it was presented as the ancestor
            of man. Mr. Adnan Oktar stated this is a lemur fossil, not the ancestor of
            man and it only belongs to a lemur, which is a monkey with a tail. In a few
            months BBC apologized with headlines, “Primate fossil not an ancestor.’’

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