Page 85 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 85
The Origin of Life and the Universe
by other PROTEINS. For
one protein to exist, at least
100 different proteins must
exist before, but is this
enough? No, DNA must ex-
ist, because the right se-
quence of the amino acid is
encoded in the DNA. For
DNA to exist, proteins must
exist, because DNA is syn-
thesized by the proteins. The
ribosome is needed, which
is the protein factory to syn-
thesize proteins. And, ribo-
some is also synthesized by
proteins, is this enough? No.
An energy organelle is need-
ed, a complete living cell
must exist to produce the
first protein on the earth.
You know what that means?
Creation by God. This is
the most powerful evidence,
the impossibility of proteins
to emerge by chance, which
refutes and eliminates the
Darwinism completely. There
is nothing to talk about be-
cause the first step is refuted
by the science means all other
steps are refuted by scientific
So the Law of the Bio-
genesis in nature is life comes
only from life and that of its