Page 89 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 89

The Origin of Life and the Universe

        fective, attempts are still made to depict it as the  tions to take place. "All" of these many mutations
        greatest evidence for evolution by mutation in  have to be beneficial to the life form or else bring
        school textbooks. Jonathan Wells writes:  about the appearance of something "new." A single
          According to Peter Raven and George Johnson's  error in this fictitious developing life form will cause
          1999 textbook, Biology, "all evolution begins with  the entire system to go wrong and collapse. Ni-
          alterations in the genetic message… Genetic  nety-nine percent of mutations are harmful while
          change through mutation and recombination [the  only one percent are neutral. It flies in the face of
          re-arrangement of existing genes] provides the  both reason and science, therefore, to suggest
          raw materials for evolution." The same page fea-  that every single one of these mutations that would
          tures a photo of a four-winged fruit fly, which is  have to take place according to the theory of evo-
          described as "a mutant because of changes in  lution can be beneficial.
          Ultrabithorax, a gene regulating a critical stage of  It is therefore impossible for a brand new organ
          development; it possesses two thoracic segments  or characteristic that did not exist before to appear
          and thus two sets of wings."       by chance as the result of mutations. Mutations
          Adding to the confusion, textbook accounts typically  have no power to bestow new information on a life
                                             form that does not belong to it, or to turn it into a
          leave the reader with the impression that the extra
                                             different organism. The idea of mutation represents
          wings represent a gain of structures. But four-
                                             the greatest manifestation of the falsehood and il-
          winged fruit flies have actually lost structures which
                                             logicality of Darwinism because the idea of evolution
          they need for flying. Their balancers are gone, and
                                             is based on these illusory "beneficial mutations"
          instead of being replaced with something new have
                                             that do not in fact exist.
          been replaced with copies of structures already
          present in another segment. Although pictures of
                                               The Infinite Amount of Time Needed for Hypothetical
          four-winged fruit flies give the impression that mu-
                                               Beneficial Mutations
          tations have added something new, the exact op-
                                               Even if we hypothesize that beneficial mutations
          posite is closer to the truth. 4
                                             could take place, the idea of mutation is still in-
          Even if we assume that the "fictitious first cell"
                                             compatible with the theory of evolution. In a paper
        that Darwinists claim represents the beginning of
                                             titled "The Inadequacy of Neo-Darwinian Evolution
        life and that cannot possibly have come into being
                                             As a Scientific Theory," Professor Murray Eden
        by chance did actually emerge spontaneously,
                                             from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Techno-
        even the smallest stage of the imaginary evolutionary y y y y y y  logy) Faculty of Electrical
        process that would have to take                       Engineering showed that
        place to give rise to a human with                    if it required a mere six
        his complex structure would require                   mutations to bring about
        an astounding amount of information                   an adaptive change, this
        to be produced and countless muta-                    would occur by chance
                                                              only once in a billion years
                                                              - while, if two dozen genes
                                                              were involved, it would re-
                                                              quire 10,000,000,000 ye-
                                                              ars, which is much longer
                                                                          than the age of the Earth. 5
                                                                           Even if we assume that
                                                                          mutations were effective

                                                             and beneficial in complex

                                                             organs, and structures re-

                                                             quiring more than one mu-
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