Page 87 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 87

The Origin of Life and the Universe

           add “mutations.” What are mutations? Mutations are defined as breaks or
           replacements in the complex structure, the extremely complex structure of
           the DNA. Changing of the letters, insertions of new letters or deletions of
           the letters out of the DNA. These are breaks or replacements. They only
           cause cancer, disability or death; there is no beneficial mutation. Even
           though some scientists say there are silent mutations, even in most of the
           silent mutations, it is understood that those are harmful to the organisms.
           Mutations are caused during replication of the DNA, the copying of the
           DNA, or by external harmful effects such as ultraviolet radiation or chemical
           substances. And they are only damaging and degenerate; they cause cancer
           for example, as well as pathologies, asymmetry, disability and death. Because
           it is like hitting a computer with a hammer. Hitting a computer with a
           hammer never generates better computers. Everybody knows that, you
           don’t need to be a scientist to understand that.
               The most famous biology textbook in the world is called Campbell and
           Reece. It is a standard textbook all over the world. In this textbook, although
           it defends evolution and Darwinism, in the mutations section it says; for
           mutations to be beneficial, it is like shooting the hood of the car. Of course
           shooting the car never makes the engine better he says. But although he
           knows that mutations are not beneficial, in the following pages he still
           defends mutations as a beneficial mechanism and backs evolution. Then,
           this is not being a scientist of course. This can only be a pagan preacher
           because it's a pagan ideology. Darwinism defends a pagan religion.
               So, if we summarize why mutations are not an evolutionary mechanism:
           The direct effect of mutations is harmful. Mutations add no new information
           to an organism's DNA. All the examples given by some evolutionists such
           as sickle cell anemia, CCR5 mutations of the HIV, or the citric acid cycle in
           E. coli experiments all have damaging effects decreasing the information in
           the genome. So there is no beneficial mutation. That is the reason why
           Richard Dawkins was asked to give a single example of a beneficial mutation
           and he stopped the recording, he could not answer. According to Darwinism
           there should be trillions of beneficial mutations. He was asked to give one
           example and Richard Dawkins looked into the air for 17 seconds and he
           stopped the recording.

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