Page 83 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 83

The Origin of Life and the Universe

                      Dr. Oktar Babuna’s presentation:

                 “Collapse of the Evolution Theory and the
                                 Fact of Creation”

                                            Thank you very much everybody.
                                        My best regards and also greetings and
                                        ‘salam’ of Mr. Adnan Oktar whom I rep-
                                        resent, he sends his greetings specifically
                                        to all of you.
                                            Today the topic we’ll talk about is a
                                        very important topic; Darwinism. Dar-
                                        winism claims life originated by chance
                                        and this, and also the idea of a selfish
                                        struggle in nature inevitably leads to some
                                        perverted ideologies like Marxism, fascism
                                        and wild capitalism which my colleague
                                        will talk about that in detail in a little bit.
                                        Karl Marx said about the evolution theory
                                        that ''this is the basis in natural history
            for our view'' and because Darwinism prevailed in the world, more than
            300 million people were killed in the 20 Century. It prevails throughout
            the entire world but it is not based on any scientific evidence, about which
            I will go into the detail.
                Now, Darwinism proposes the lie that human beings came into this
            world as the result of a series of chance events and that they are a "species
            of animals." Darwinism furthermore claims that the only law in life is a
            selfish struggle for survival. The strong individuals survive by crushing
            the weak individuals and there is a ruthless struggle in nature, where the
            weak ones get eliminated. And these ideas of course have been the
            foundation of wars, violence and terrorism that we see in the world today.

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