Page 21 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 21
Cerebral cortex
Most of the informa-
Caudate nucleus
tion about the human
body comes to the
hypothalamus. The
Corpus hypothalamus inter-
prets this informa-
tion, makes the
necessary decisions
Fornix and causes the cells
put these decisions
into practice. On the
left, we see the posi-
tion of the hypothala-
Hippocampus mus in the brain. It is
Amygdala bulb
the supreme power of
Pons Pituitary gland God that enables the
hypothalamus to
Spinal cord
Medulla make vital decisions.
body are maintained. In the pages that follow, we shall examine in detail
the remarkable activities displayed by these unconscious cells.
One of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to form
a bridge between the hormonal system and the other system that con-
trols and oversees the body—the nervous system. The hypothalamus not
only directs the hormonal system, but also the nervous system with a
high degree of expertise.
The hypothalamus has a very important assistant in its role of gov-
erning the body; this assistant informs the appropriate body areas of the
decisions that have been taken. For example, when there is a drop in
blood pressure, bits of information are set into motion, and these inform
the hypothalamus of the change in pressure; then the hypothalamus de-
cides what measures must be taken to raise it and informs its assistant of
its decision.
In order to effect the decision, the helper knows which cells must re-
ceive the command. It writes messages in a language that these cells can
understand and transmits them immediately. The cells obey the com-
mand they have received and take the appropriate action to raise the
blood pressure.
This assistant to the hypothalamus is the pituitary gland, which also