Page 17 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 17


                 Another fact we will see when we examine the perfect communica-
            tion system described in this book is this: An organism cannot possibly
            be formed by lifeless matter, on its own and by chance. Darwinists and
            materialists do not believe in God; they believe that ultimately living
            things were formed spontane-
            ously and by chance out of life-
            less matter. However, in the
                                                 To God belong the
            twentieth century thousands of
                                                   Most Beautiful
            discoveries were made con-
            cerning cells and the systems         Names, so call on
            contained in them. It is now          Him by them and
            known that cells have a highly
                                                abandon those who
            complex design. The commu-
                                               desecrate His Names.
            nication between hormones
            and cells alone is enough to        They will be repaid
            show what an extraordinary           for what they did.
            system exists in cells, and that
                                                   (Qur'an, 7: 180)
            they could not have been
            formed by chance.
                 This book has two aims:
            First, to show (with the support of scientific evidence)  Darwinists and
            materialists who make chance their god that their philosophy is illogical
            and untenable. Second, to once again show those who believe in God,
            examples of the excellence of His creation, so that they may see the glory,
            power and sublimity of our Lord and exalt Him for His excellent works.
                 In the pages that follow, we shall examine the hormone system that
            controls the human body for the benefit of the human being and that is a
            manifestation of the wonder of creation, and we shall witness together
            the creative art of God.

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