Page 27 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 27
The Two Governors Of Our Body:
The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland
a chickpea, which we call the pituitary gland.
Then, place your other hand on your
belly. Just under this hand within the belly
You are the poor
area are your kidneys. On top of each kidney
in need of God
there is a gland the size of a walnut weighing
about 4-5 grams called the adrenal gland. whereas God is
These two pieces of flesh can communi- the Rich Beyond
cate between themselves. They are not two
Need, the Praise-
conscious human beings conversing with
one another, but two groups of cells. Further-
(Qur'an, 35: 15)
more, this communication system, together
with the effects it produces, is the result of an
advanced technology that even human be-
ings do not possess.
The fact that two pieces of flesh deep within our body communicate
with and understand one another is a wonder to contemplate.
On the other hand, if a person has not studied biology, he is una-
ware that such an organ exists in his skull just below his brain. Most lay-
men do not even know that the pituitary gland is a tiny piece of flesh
below the brain which keeps us alive by constantly sending messages
and ordering commands to the body. Moreover, this person is totally
unaware that all these things are happening. If this gland did not per-
form its function, this person would die after a short time. If you were to
look for a moment from this point of view at the person next to you, you
would be able to understand more clearly how helpless and dependent
human beings are before God, our Creator.
The Hormones Secreted by the Pituitary Gland
Before going on to consider the names of the pituitary hormones, it
is worth repeating that the purpose of this book is to examine those
amazing things that happen in the hormonal system that astound even
the world of science, and to consider more closely the creative art of God.