Page 28 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 28


             For this reason, it is better to concentrate on how this system functions,
             rather than on the names of the hormones. The complex Greek and Latin
             terms used in medicine and biology are a deterrent for many people. And
             sometimes these Greek and Latin terms just make the operations of a very
             simple mechanism more difficult to understand (or to prevent us from
             appreciating the wonder that occurs in an amazing process). The majority
             of experts in medicine or biology may not apprehend the wonders that are
             before them owing to the magic of these words. For example, they know in
             great detail how the pituitary gland is structured and how it functions, but
             they never think about the source of the intelligent consciousness that this
             tiny piece of flesh demonstrates. For this reason, we repeat that it is not nec-
             essary to daunt readers unacquainted with medical literature by devoting
             space to definitions of these terms. We will only briefly mention the names
             of the hormones and in the following pages we will examine the great
             wonders of which they are the vehicles.
                  The pituitary gland is composed of two parts: the anterior and the
             posterior glands. Each part secretes different hormones.

                  The Anterior Pituitary Gland

                  The anterior pituitary gland secretes six different hormones, whose
             functions have been determined. Some of these hormones that act on other
             hormonal glands are called "tropic hormones." They are designed to direct
             the hormonal system. In the following pages we will examine the functions
             of the tropic hormones together with the structure and functions of the hor-
             monal glands that they affect. Another group of these hormones stimulate
             the tissues of the body. The names of these hormones are as follows:
                  Hormones which stimulate other endocrine (hormone) glands
             (Tropic Hormones):
                  1. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
                  2. Adrenal gland stimulating hormone (adrenocorticotropic hormone –

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