Page 87 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 87
The Sensitive Calcium-Meters
There are three different ways to increase the level of calcium in the blood, and
only one hormone can be matched these three ways. This is like saying that one
single key can open three different locks.
the amount of it in the blood), this problem must be solved. A special
molecule must exist that will change the chemical make up of inactivated
vitamin D and activate it. Again, you must do much research and many
experiments in order to design a special molecule that will activate the
vitamin D. At the end of your research, you will find the formula of the
molecule needed to activate the vitamin D (and to ensure the absorption
of calcium by the cells of the intestine) is the same as the formula of par-
Think about this: Three different unrelated ways have been discov-
ered to increase the amount of calcium in the blood, but the key to caus-
ing these three different systems to function is the same—this key alters
the operation of the three systems. What is more surprising is that, when
the operation of these three systems (with their very different structures
and ways of functioning) is changed, the result is the same—the amount
of calcium in the blood increases.
The fact that three different systems begin to work with the same
key toward the same goal is a proof of the perfection and incomparable
harmony of God's creation.
When the amount of calcium in the blood falls, the parathyroid cells
demonstrate an incredible awareness. Using the appropriate key to alter
the operation of each of the three systems, they ingeniously produce one