Page 397 - Der widerlegte Darwinismus
P. 397
323 Elizabeth Pennisi, "Haeckel's Embryos: Fraud Wasserstoff, S. 199.
Rediscovered", Science, 5. September 1997. 343 E. C. Olson, The Evolution of Life, The New
(Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt) American Library, New York, 1965, S. 94.
324 Elizabeth Pennisi, "Haeckel's Embryos: Fraud 344 Chester A. Arnold, An Introduction to
Rediscovered", Science, 5. September 1997. Paleobotany, McGraw-Hill Publications in the
(Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt) Botanical Sciences, McGraw-Hill Book
325 Elizabeth Pennisi, "Haeckel's Embryos: Fraud Company, Inc., New York, 1947, S. 7.
Rediscovered", Science, 5. September 1997. 345 Chester A. Arnold, An Introduction to
(Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt) Paleobotany, McGraw-Hill Publications in the
326 Mahlon B. Hoagland, The Roots of Life, Botanical Sciences, McGraw-Hill Book
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1978, S.18 Company, Inc., New York, 1947, S. 334.
327 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kalitim ve Evrim 346 N. F. Hughes, Paleobiology of Angiosperm
(Inheritance and Evolution), Ankara, Meteksan Origins: Problems of Mesozoic Seed-Plant
Yay›nlar›, S. 79. Evolution, Cambridge University Press,
328 Robart A. Wallace, Gerald P. Sanders, Robert J. Cambridge, 1976, S. 1-2.
Ferl, Biology, The Science of Life, Harper Collins 347 Daniel Axelrod, The Evolution of Flowering
College Publishers, S. 283. Plants, in The Evolution Life, 1959, S. 264-274.
329 Darnell, "Implications of RNA-RNA Splicing in 348 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A
Evolution of Eukaryotic Cells", Science, Band Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University
202, 1978, S. 1257. Press, 1964, S. 189. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzu-
330 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kal?t?m ve Evrim gefügt)
(Inheritance and Evolution), Meteksan 349 Peter van Inwagen, Review about Michael
Publications, Ankara, S.79. Behe's Darwin's Black Box.
331 "Book Review of Symbiosis in Cell Evolution", 350 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kalitim ve Evrim (Inheri-
Biological Journal of Linnean Society, Band 18, tance and Evolution), Meteksan Publications,
1982, S. 77-79. Ankara, S. 475. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzuge-
332 D. Lloyd, The Mitochondria of Microorganisms, fügt)
1974, S. 476. 351 Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to
333 Gray & Doolittle, "Has the Endosymbiant Reason, Harvard Common Press, 1971, S. 131.
Hypothesis Been Proven?", Microbiological 352 Cemal Yildirim, Evrim Kurami ve Bagnazlik
Review, Band 30, 1982, S. 46. (Theory of Evolution and Bigotry), Bilgi Publi-
334 Wallace-Sanders-Ferl, Biology: The Science of Life, cations, Januar 1989, S. 58-59. (Hervorhebung
4. Ausgabe, Harper Collins College Publishers, wurde hinzugefügt)
S. 94 353 Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, The Free
335 Mahlon B. Hoagland, The Roots of Life, Press, New York, 1996, S. 18.
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1978, S. 145. 354 Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, The Free
336 Whitfield, Book Review of Symbiosis in Cell Press, New York, 1996, S. 18-21.
Evolution, Biological Journal of Linnean 355 Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, The Free
Society, 1982, S. 77-79. Press, New York, 1996, S. 22. (Hervorhebung
337 Milani, Bradshaw, Biological Science, A Molecular wurde hinzugefügt)
Approach, D. C. Heath and Company, Toronto, 356 J. R. P. Angel, "Lobster Eyes as X-ray Telesco-
S. 158 pes", Astrophysical Journal, 1979, No. 233, S. 364-
338 David Attenborough, Life on Earth, Princeton 373. siehe auch B. K. Hartline (1980), "Lobster-
University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1981, Eye X-ray Telescope Envisioned", Science, Nr.
S. 20 207, S. 47, zitiert aus Michael Denton, Nature's
339 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim Destiny, The Free Press, 1998, S. 354.
(Inheritance and Evolution), Meteksan 357 M. F. Land, "Superposition Images are Formed
Publications, Ankara, S. 80 by Reflection in the Eyes of Some Oceanic
340 Hoimar von Ditfurth, Im Anfang war der Decapod Crustacea", Nature, 1976, Band 263, S.
Wasserstoff, S. 60-61 764-765
341 "Ancient Alga Fossil Most Complex Yet", Science 358 Jeff Goldberg, "The Quivering Bundles That Let
News, Band 108, 20. September 1975, S. 181 Us Hear", Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling the
342 Hoimar von Ditfurth, Im Amfang war der World, Ein Bericht des Howard Hughes