Page 392 - Der widerlegte Darwinismus
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(Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)      169  B.J. Stahl, Vertebrate History: Problems in Evolution,
          150  R. Eric Lombard, "Review of Evolutionary  Dover Publications Inc., 1985, S. 489.
            Principles of the Mammalian Middle Ear, Gerald  170  Michel C. Milinkovitch, "Molecular phylogeny of
            Fleischer", Evolution, Band 33, Dezember 1979, S.  cetaceans prompts revision of morphological
            1230.                                   transformations", Trends in Ecology and Evolution,
          151  George G., Simpson, Tempo and Mode in Evolution,  10. August 1995, S. 328-334.
            Columbia University Press, New  York, 1944, S.  171  Douglas J. Futuyma,  Science on Trial, Pantheon
            105, 107.                               Books, New York, 1983, S. 197.
          152  Boyce Rensberger,  Houston Chronicle, 5.  Novem-  172  Stephen Jay Gould, "Evolution's Erratic Pace",
            ber 1980, S. 15. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)  Natural History, Band 86, Mai 1977, S. 14.
          153  Colin Patterson,  Harper's,  Februar 1984, S. 60.  173  Stephen M. Stanley,  Macroevolution: Pattern and
            (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)        Process, W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco,
          154  Francis Hitching,  The Neck of the Giraffe: Where  1979, S. 35, 159
            Darwin Went Wrong, New American Library, New  174  S. J. Gould, "Return of the Hopeful Monster", The
            York, 1982, S. 16-17, 19.               Panda's Thumb, W. W. Norton Co., New  York,
          155  Francis Hitching,  The Neck of the Giraffe: Where  1980, S. 186-193
            Darwin Went Wrong, New American Library, New  175  R. A.  Fisher,  The Genetical Theory of Natural
            York, 1982, S. 16-17, 19.               Selection, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1930.
          156  Gordon Rattray Taylor,  The Great Evolution  176  Ernst Mayr,  Populations, Species, and Evolution,
            Mystery, Abacus, Sphere Books, London, 1984, S.  Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1970, S. 235
            230. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)  177  Lane P. Lester, Raymond G. Bohlin,  The Natural
          157  John E. Hill, James D Smith, Bats: A Natural History,  Limits to Biological Change, Probe Books, Dallas,
            British Museum of Natural History, London, 1984,  1989, S. 141-142. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
            S. 33. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)  178  M. E. Soulé and L. S. Mills, "Enhanced: No need to
          158  L. R. Godfrey, "Creationism and Gaps in the Fossil  isolate genetics", Science, 1998, Band 282, S. 1658.
            Record",  Scientists Confront Creationism, W.  W.  179  R. L. Westemeier, J. D. Brawn, J. D. Brawn, S. A.
            Norton and Company, 1983, S. 199.       Simpson, T. L. Esker, R. W. Jansen, J. W. Walk, E. L.
          159   Jeff Hecht, "Branching Out",  New Scientist, 10.  Kershner, J. L. Bouzat und K. N. Paige, "Tracking
            Oktober 1998, Band 160, Nr. 2155, S. 14.  the long-term decline and recovery of an isolated
          160  Douglas H. Chadwick, "Evolution of Whales",  population", Science, 1998, Band 282, S. 1695
            National Geographic, November 2001, S. 68.   180  Phillip Johnson, Objections Sustained, Intervarsity
          161  Robert L. Carroll, Patterns and Process of Vertebrate  Press, Illinois, 1998, S. 77-85.
            Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 1998, S.329  181  Richard E. Leakey, The Making of Mankind, Sphere
          162  Ashby L. Camp, "The Overselling of Whale  Books Limited, Barcelona, 1982, S. 43.
            Evolution", Creation Matters, a newsletter published  182  William R. Fix,  The Bone Peddlers, Macmillan
            by the Creation Research Society, Mai/Juni 1998  Publishing Company, New York, 1984, S. 150-153
          163  Douglas H. Chadwick, "Evolution of Whales",  183  "Could science be brought to an end by scientists'
            National Geographic, November 2001, S. 73.   belief that they have final answers or by society's
          164  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of  reluctance to pay the bills?"  Scientific American,
            Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University Press,  Dezember 1992, S. 20.
            1998, S. 329                          184  David Pilbeam, "Rearranging Our Family Tree",
          165  G. A.  Mchedlidze,  General Features of the  Human Nature, Juni 1978, S. 40.
            Paleobiological Evolution of Cetacea, übersetzt aus  185  C. C. Swisher III, W. J. Rink, S. C. Antón, H. P.
            dem Russischen (Rotterdam:  A.  A. Balkema,  Schwarcz, G. H. Curtis, A. Suprijo, Widiasmoro,
            1986), S. 91                            "Latest Homo erectus of Java: Potential
          166  Ashby L. Camp, "The Overselling of Whale  Contemporaneity with Homo sapiens in
            Evolution", Creation Matters, a newsletter published  Southeast Asia", Science, Band 274, Nummer 5294,
            by the Creation Research Society, Mai/Juni 1998  Ausgabe vom 13. Dezember 1996, S. 1870-1874;
          167  Douglas H. Chadwick, "Evolution of Whales",  siehe auch Jeffrey Kluger, "Not So Extinct After
            National Geographic, November 2001, S. 69.   All: The Primitive Homo Erectus May Have
          168  Henry Gee, In Search Of Deep Time: Beyond The Fossil  Survived Long Enough To Coexist With Modern
            Record To A New History Of Life, The Free Press, A  Humans, Time, 23. Dezember 1996
            Division of Simon & Schuster Inc., 1999, S. 103  186 Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, Toplinger
   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396   397