Page 388 - Der widerlegte Darwinismus
P. 388
2 Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose. Molecular Evolution and 1977, S. 28.
The Origin of Life. W.H. Freeman and Company, 18 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile
San Francisco, 1972, S. 4. of the First Edition, Harvard University Press,
3 Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great Evolution 1964, S. 189.(Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
Mystery, Abacus, Sphere Books, London, 1984, 19 B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsylvania: The
S. 36, 41-42. Banner Of Truth Trust, 1988. (Hervorhebung
4 B.E. Bishop, "Mendel's Opposition to Evolution wurde hinzugefügt)
and to Darwin", Journal of Heredity, 87, 1996, S. 20 Warren Weaver und andere, "Genetic Effects of
205-213; siehe auch. L.A. Callender, "Gregor Atomic Radiation", Science, Band 123, Juni 29,
Mendel: An Opponent of Descent with Mo- 1956, S. 1159. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
dification", History of Science, 26, 1988, S. 41-75 21 Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great Evolution Mys-
5 Lee Spetner, Not By Chance!, The Judaica Press, tery, Abacus, Sphere Books, London, 1984, S. 48
New York, 1997, S. 20. 22 Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution, River
6 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Publishing, London, 1984, S. 70. (Hervorhebung
Burnett Books, London, 1985. wurde hinzugefügt)
7 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species by Means of 23 David A. Demick, "The Blind Gunman", Impact,
Natural Selection, The Modern Library, New Nr. 308, Februar 1999. (Hervorhebung wurde hin-
York, S. 127. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt) zugefügt)
8 V. C. Wynne-Edwards, "Self Regulating Systems 24 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms,
in Populations of Animals, Science, Band 147, Academic Press, New York, 1977, S. 97, 98.
26. März 1965, S. 1543-1548; V. C. Wynne- 25 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living
Edwards, Evolution Through Group Selection, Organisms, Academic Press, New York, 1977, S.
London, 1986. 88. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
9 A. D. Bradshaw, "Evolutionary significance of 26 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis,
phenotypic plasticity in plants", Advances in Burnett Books Ltd., London, 1985, S. 149.
Genetics, Band 13, S. 115-155; zitiert aus Lee 27 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of Living
Spetner, Not By Chance!: Shattering the Modern Organisms, Academic Press, New York, 1977, S.
Theory of Evolution, The Judaica Press Inc., New 87. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
York, 1997, S. 16-17. 28 Loren C. Eiseley, The Immense Journey, Vintage
10 Andy Coghlan "Suicide Squad", New Scientist, Books, 1958, S. 186.; zitiert aus Norman
10. Juli 1999. Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason,
11 Colin Patterson, "Cladistics", Interview by Brian Harvard Common Press, Boston, 1971, S. 30.
Leek, interviewer Peter Franz, 4. März, 1982, 29 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile
BBC. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt) of the First Edition, Harvard University Press,
12 Phillip E. Johnson, Darwin On Trial, Intervarsity 1964, S. 184.
Press, Illinois, 1993, S. 27. 30 Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to
13 Für detailliertere Informationen über Industrie- Reason, Harvard Common Press, Boston, 1971,
Melanose siehe Phillip Johnson, Darwin on S. 32-33.
Trial, InterVarsity Press, 2. Ausgabe, 31 Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to
Washington D.C., S. 26. Reason, Harvard Common Press, Boston, 1971,
14 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution: Science or S. 36
Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About 32 Jerry Bergman, Some Biological Problems With
Evolution is Wrong, Regnery Publishing, the Natural Selection Theory, The Creation
Washington, 2000, S. 149-150. Research Society Quarterly, Band 29, Nr. 3,
15 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution: Science or Dezember 1992.
Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About 33 Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey, Vintage
Evolution is Wrong, Regnery Publishing, Books, 1958. S. 227., zitiert aus Norman
Washington, 2000, S. 141-151. Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason,
16 Jerry Coyne, "Not Black and White", Rezension: Harvard Common Press, Boston, 1971, S. 33.
Michael Majerus' Melanismus: Evolution in 34 Scott Gilbert, John Opitz und Rudolf Raff,
Action, Nature, 396, 1988, S. 35-36. "Resynthesizing Evolutionary and Develop-
17 Stephen Jay Gould, "The Return of Hopeful mental Biology", Developmental Biology, 173,
Monster", Natural History, Band 86, Juni-Juli Article Nr. 0032, 1996, S. 361. (Hervorhebung