Page 390 - Der widerlegte Darwinismus
P. 390

71  Charles Darwin,  The Origin of Species, 1859, S.  of Prehistoric Animals, The Hamlyn Publishing
            313-314.                              Group Ltd., New York, 1984, S. 120.
          72  Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile  89
            of the First Edition, Harvard University Press,  90
            1964, S. 302.                         /living.fossil/index.html
          73  Stefan Bengston, Nature, Band 345, 1990, S. 765.  91  P. L. Forey, Nature, Band 336, 1988, S. 727.
            (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)    92  Michael Denton,  Evolution: A Theory In Crisis,
          74  R. L. Gregory,  Eye and Brain: The Physiology of  Adler und Adler, 1986, S. 218-219.
            Seeing, Oxford University Press, 1995, S. 31.  93  Robert L. Carroll,  Vertebrate Paleontology and
          75  Douglas Palmer,  The Atlas of the Prehistoric  Evolution, W. H. Freeman and Co., New York,
            World, Discovery Channel, Marshall Publis-  1988, S. 198.
            hing, London, 1999, S. 66.          94  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of
          76  Mustafa Kuru,  Omurgal / Hayvanlar  (Vertebra-  Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University
            tes), Gazi University Publications, 5. Ausgabe,  Press, 1997, S. 296-97.
            Ankara, 1996, S. 21. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzu-  95  Stephen Jay Gould, "Eight (or Fewer) Little
            gefügt)                               Piggies", Natural History, Band 100, Nr. 1, Januar
          77  Mustafa Kuru, Omurga / Hayvanlar (Vertebrates),  1991, S. 25. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
            Gazi University Publications, 5.  Ausgabe,  96  Duane Gish, Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No!,
            Ankara, 1996, S. 27.                  Institute For Creation Research, California,
          78  Douglas Palmer,  The Atlas of the Prehistoric  1995, S. 97.
            World, Discovery Channel, Marshall Publis-  97  Robert Carroll,  Vertebrate Paleontology and
            hing, London, 1999, S. 64.            Evolution, S. 235.
          79  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of  98  Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, "Turtle –
            Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University  Origin and Evolution."
            Press, 1997, S. 296.                99  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of
          80  Gerald T. Todd, "Evolution of the Lung and the  Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University
            Origin of Bony Fishes: A Casual Relationship",  Press, 1997, S. 296-97. (Hervorhebung wurde hin-
            American Zoologist, Band 26, Nr. 4, 1980, S. 757.  zugefügt)
          81  Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim (Inheritance and  100 Duane T. Gish, Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No,
            Evolution), Meteksan Publishing Co., Ankara,  ICR, San Diego, 1998, S. 103.
            1984, S. 495-496.                   101  Robert L. Carroll,  Vertebrate Paleontology and
          82  Henry Gee, In Search Of Deep Time: Going Beyond  Evolution. S. 336. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzuge-
            The Fossil Record To A Revolutionary Understan-  fügt)
            ding of the History Of Life, The Free Press,  A  102  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of
            Division of Simon & Schuster Inc., 1999, S. 7.  Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University
          83  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of  Press, 1997, S. 296-97
            Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University  103  E. H. Colbert, M. Morales,  Evolution of the
            Press, 1997, S. 230                   Vertebrates, John Wiley and Sons, 1991, S. 193.
          84  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of  (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
            Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University  104  A. S Romer, Vertebrate Paleontology, 3. Ausgabe,
            Press, 1997, S. 301                   Chicago University Press, Chicago, 1966, S.
          85  Dieser Zeitrahmen wird auch von Carroll ange-  120. (Hervorhebung wurde hinzugefügt)
            geben in  Patterns and Processes of Vertebrate  105  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of
            Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 1997, S.  Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University
            304.                                  Press, 1997, S. 296-97.
          86  Henry Gee, In Search Of Deep Time: Going Beyond  106  John Ostrom, "Bird Flight: How Did It Begin?",
            The Fossil Record To A Revolutionary Understan-  American Scientist, Januar-Februar 1979, Band
            ding of the History Of Life, The Free Press,  A  67, S. 47.
            Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1999, S. 54.  107  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of
          87  Robert L. Carroll,  Patterns and Processes of  Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University
            Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University  Press, 1997, S. 314.
            Press, 1997, S. 292-93.             108  Pat Shipman, "Birds Do It... Did Dinosaurs?",
          88  Jean-Jacques Hublin, The Hamlyn Encyclopaedia  New Scientist, 1. Februar 1997, S. 28.

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