Page 40 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 40
name for this type of behavior. Examples of this ugly behavior,
known as being "crazy", are quite common. Because people of this
sort are lacking in qualities such as love, respect for others, compas-
sion, kindness, and common sense, that results from faith, they are
spiritually corrupt and show various behavioral defects.
False courage is re g a rded by those who follow Satan as very
admirable. When one of them performs an act of false courage, he is
immediately praised by others. In school, one who behaves badly
t o w a rds teachers or other students, mocks them, makes derisive
jokes about them, that is, accosts them, is praised and encouraged to
go on. Those who share his immorality continually praise him, talk-
ing about how brave he is.
The same tendencies take place in the high society which ex-
hibits a bad moral model. People say, "How brave he is!" of someone
who speaks against religion, uses expressions so disrespectful and
hateful that no one else would dare to use them, acts disrespectfully,
belittling people and brazenly harms them. The wearing of indecent
or outlandish clothing is re f e r red to as "courage and genero s i t y " .
Though, such people are not courageous at all, but are mere l y
shameless. Even so, Satan, who distorts the meanings of things, to
those not intelligent enough to avoid him, convinces them that their
behavior is courageous, and misleads them along with himself to
eternal torment.
The only ones not affected by the efforts of Satan, and the de-
bauchery he promotes, nor deceived by his stratagems and deceits,
a re the faithful. In many verses of the Qur'an, Allah gives us the
good news that Satan has no influence on His sincere followers, and