Page 43 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 43

Satan Instructs People in an Evil Form of Courage

        to understand its source: The morality taught in the Qur'an. A per-
        son must fear Allah, understand His verses, and the importance of
        the behavior He encourages. Clearly, one who sits idly by, watching
        the tyrannical alliance of the wicked, fails to carry out the duty ex-
        pected of him. However, if we consider that the great majority of the
        Earth's inhabitants do not follow the path of Allah, then clearly such

        effort requires great courage. Because, the slightest disruption of the
        comfort the wicked enjoy riles them into action. They may become
        oppressive, conspire, slander or resort even to physical violence. It is
        then that the difference between those who show true courage and
        those who do not, can be determined.
             Most just close their eyes to the immorality of their friends and
        relatives, so as not to be rejected or harassed by them. They do not

        fulfill their duty of warning them otherwise. In societies where the
        morality of the Qur'an is not adhered to, most may stand idly by,
        and ignore the prevailing injustices, even though it bothers their
        conscience. In their hearts they may reject that cru e l t y, and may
        want to eradicate it, but they cannot find the courage to stru g g l e
        against it. Without drive or determination there can be no courage.
        W h e re there is no drive and determination, one does not think of
        p reventing the evils he encounters, nor finds solutions to do so. It
        must not be forgotten that simply being bothered by cru e l t y, while

        observing evil that abounds, and merely complaining about it, is not
        a sufficient way of dealing with it. Rather, it requires sincere effort.
        But, to do so requires courage.
             If the courageous do not take initiative, there will be great may-
        hem and oppression on Earth, and the world will become uninhabit-
        able. Those who do not show such courage, who are hesitant to

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